5.00 credits
30.0 h
This biannual learning unit is not being organized in 2021-2022 !
Cannuyer Christian; Obsomer Claude;
No prerequisite
Main themes
Grammatical initiation and practical training on Coptic Saidic language, from the outset by reading various easy texts (Bible, Gnostic texts, apophtegmas ...). If the student has some knowledge of ancient Egyptian, we will insist on the diachronic approach.
If the student is already initiated to Coptic, further study of Saidic, initiation to other dialects and to reading of manuscript texts.
If the student is already initiated to Coptic, further study of Saidic, initiation to other dialects and to reading of manuscript texts.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
read and translate Coptic texts of average difficulty, with the help of the usual grammars and dictionaries. |
For the beginners, the 15 hours initiation into the Sahidic dialect will allow them to learn the script and reading, a basic vocabulary, the morphology and syntax; it will continue with a commented translation of the New Testament. The other students will translate, on their own, a selection of texts.
Then, all the students will be together to read Sahidic and Boharic texts, belonging essentially to the domain of hagiography and ecclesiastical historiography.
Then, all the students will be together to read Sahidic and Boharic texts, belonging essentially to the domain of hagiography and ecclesiastical historiography.
Teaching methods
The "initiation" consists of lectures, which include practical exercises.
The second part consists of an introduction followed by reading and guided translation exercises. In addition, a number of academic studies on the thematic being studied will be introduced.
The second part consists of an introduction followed by reading and guided translation exercises. In addition, a number of academic studies on the thematic being studied will be introduced.
Evaluation methods
Written exam.
Online resources
The initiation syllabus and the matter covered in the second term are available on the Moodle server.
Initiation au sahidique :
- Cl. Obsomer, Initiation au copte, 2e édition, LLN, 2014, 39p.
Dictionnaire :
- E.W. Crum, A Coptic Dictionary, Oxford, 1939.
Grammaires de référence pour le sahidique :
- B. Layton, Coptic in 20 Lessons, Introduction to Sahidic Coptic with Exercises and Vocabularies, Leuven, 2007.
- B. Layton, A Coptic Grammar, Second Edition revised and expanded, Wiesbaden, 2004.
Grammaire de référence pour le bohaïrique :
- A. Mallon, Grammaire copte, bibliographie, chrestomathie et vocabulaire, Beyrouth, 1956.
Textes disponibles sur Moodle : extraits du Nouveau Testamenten version copte ; textes hagiographiques et historiographiques.
- Cl. Obsomer, Initiation au copte, 2e édition, LLN, 2014, 39p.
Dictionnaire :
- E.W. Crum, A Coptic Dictionary, Oxford, 1939.
Grammaires de référence pour le sahidique :
- B. Layton, Coptic in 20 Lessons, Introduction to Sahidic Coptic with Exercises and Vocabularies, Leuven, 2007.
- B. Layton, A Coptic Grammar, Second Edition revised and expanded, Wiesbaden, 2004.
Grammaire de référence pour le bohaïrique :
- A. Mallon, Grammaire copte, bibliographie, chrestomathie et vocabulaire, Beyrouth, 1956.
Textes disponibles sur Moodle : extraits du Nouveau Testamenten version copte ; textes hagiographiques et historiographiques.
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