5.00 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
Flandre Denis; Francis Laurent (coordinator);
Students should master the basic operating principles and constitutive equations of semiconductor-based devices such as diodes and transistors (as seen in LELEC1755 or equivalent)
Main themes
Physical basis of electronics (Part 1):
- band structures,
- semiconductors and metals,
- phonons,
- charge transport,
- generation and recombination of carriers.
- photosensors,
- photovoltaic cells,
- power/high-voltage and Zener diodes,
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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AA2.1, AA2.2, AA2.3, AA.2.4, AA2.5, AA2.6 AA4.2 AA5.1
The lectures present in a dynamic way, based in good part on questions by the students, the concepts described above. The lectures and the practical sessions are both complementary with the written notes that present the concepts in more details. Specific exercises aim at applying the course concepts to solve problems related to semiconductor physics and basic electronics devices.
Part 1 – Physical basis of electronics
Part 1 – Physical basis of electronics
- chapter 1: energy bands of the perfect crystal
- chapter 2: energy bands of metals
- chapter 3: energy bands of semiconductors
- chapter 4: lattice vibrations
- chapter 5: transport equations
- chapter 6: carriers generation and recombination mechanisms
- chapter 7: advanced p-n junctions
- chapter 8: advanced MOS capacitors
- chapter 9: photodiodes
- chapter 10: photovoltaics solar cells
Teaching methods
The teaching is based on lectures and companion practical sessions.
The comparison between theory, simulations and characteristics of real devices is important in the teaching approach to discuss and validate the model simplifications.
In particular, simple structures will be thoroughly analysed in support of the content of the first part and, for the second part, advanced simulations helped by dedicated softwares will aim at validating model hypothesis and to visualise the results. These might also be used within the continuous evaluation.
Literature search and provided references will support finding of actual devices and allow to highlight differences found between experimental (or real) and simulated properties.
The comparison between theory, simulations and characteristics of real devices is important in the teaching approach to discuss and validate the model simplifications.
In particular, simple structures will be thoroughly analysed in support of the content of the first part and, for the second part, advanced simulations helped by dedicated softwares will aim at validating model hypothesis and to visualise the results. These might also be used within the continuous evaluation.
Literature search and provided references will support finding of actual devices and allow to highlight differences found between experimental (or real) and simulated properties.
Evaluation methods
Students are evaluated individually on the basis of 1) a continuous evaluation through applied exercises during the semester, and 2) a written exam during the exam session, including a part of developments of theoretical concepts, and another part of problem solving. The latter part is of the same level than those of solved during the practical sessions of the course. The points acquired during the continuous evaluation are kept for all the sessions of the same academic year.
Online resources
Notes and list of reference books available on Moodle (see above)
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Electrical Engineering