Hop Chemistry and Technology for wort boilong and dry-hopping

lbras2303  2021-2022  Louvain-la-Neuve

Hop Chemistry and Technology for wort boilong and dry-hopping
4.00 credits
30.0 h + 15.0 h
Alvarez Costales Pablo; Declerck Stephan (coordinator); Maudoux Marc;
Theoretical notions:
- Yeast characterization and structure (yeast systematics, life cycle, yeast cytology, cell wall characteristics, cell membrane characteristics)
- Metabolism of sugars by brewery yeasts (assimilation of monosaccharides, assimilation of disaccharides / maltose, other carbohydrates, catabolism of sugars, respiration versus fermentation, fermentative power)
- Metabolism of nitrogenous materials by brewery yeasts (roles of amino acids, entry of amino acids from the point of view of the biologist and the brewer, degradation of amino acids: the Ehrlich pathway, biosynthesis of amino acids: the Genevois way, case of valine, leucine and isoleucine, case of methionine)
- Products of primary yeast fermentations: biosynthesis of acids, aldehydes, alcohols, esters and sulfur compounds
- Technology of brewing fermentations and problems associated with cylindro-conical vessels
- Guarding and excretion by yeast (roles of the guard, problem of diacetyl)
- Propagation and conservation of yeasts (fluidity of the plasma, goals and technical aspects of propagation, long-term storage
Practical work:
- Isolation and culture on appropriate medium of yeasts taken from three types of beer
- Enumeration by the Thoma cell technique of total and living cells (following the use of vital dyes)
- Physiological characterization of yeasts
- Yeast identification by molecular route
- Storage of yeasts by freeze-drying and cryopreservation
Teaching methods
The teaching takes place in three phases:
1. theoretical (master) teaching in which the main concepts relating to (1) yeasts (systematic, cycle, walls, membranes, etc.) are taught, (2) the different stages of the brewing process involving biochemical mechanisms and (2) ) the technology of fermentation.
2. practical teaching through which the student will be familiar with the main yeast manipulations (isolation, enumeration, identification ...) and the physiological properties of the yeast (vitality, flocculation, limiting attenuation ...) relevant to brewing processes .
These two courses are complementary and allow the student to put into practice the main
Evaluation methods
The evaluation methods are based on
  1. a written examination containing the main theoretical notions taught
2. an evaluation of the practical work reports (structuring of the report, clarity and rigor of the reported and commented results, critical analysis of the results, conclusions)
Online resources
Les supports de cours se composent de syllabi sur les trois parties théoriques du cours et d’un syllabus sur la partie pratique.
Course materials consist of syllabi on the three theoretical parts of the course and a syllabus on the practical part.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Advanced Master in Brewing Engineering