Malt Biochemistry and Technology

lbras2301  2021-2022  Louvain-la-Neuve

Malt Biochemistry and Technology
4.00 credits
30.0 h + 15.0 h
Collin Sonia (coordinator); Slabbinck Julien;
Theoretical concepts :
- Physiology and composition of barley
- Study of malting barley varieties, controls and impact on malt production and quality
- Enzymology of germination
- Enzymatic activities during malting
- Malting technology (steeping, germination, kilning)
- Problem of mycotoxins in malting plants
- Production of specialty malts
- Enzymatic activities during brewing
- Technologies in brewhouse and mash filtration
Practical work in the laboratory:
- Official methods of malt analysis
- Pilot test / production in brewhouse and mash filtration
Teaching methods
The theoretical part is given in the form of a lecture (classroom) with materials available on the Moodleucl platform or notes on the board. Some aspects can be addressed through the analysis of scientific articles or through a visit to a malt house and a microbrewery.
Theoretical instruction is supplemented by practical training which includes laboratory sessions (3 sessions of 4 hours each).  Participation in the practical laboratory sessions is mandatory. Materials presenting the handling protocols allow the student to prepare each laboratory session individually. The student will write a laboratory report.
Evaluation methods
Participation in all laboratory practical work sessions is mandatory and is subject to ongoing evaluation. The TP-laboratory note is 20% of the final note. The TP-laboratory note takes into account individual preparation, know-how and attitude throughout the practical work as well as the laboratory report (structuring of the report, clarity and rigor of the reported and commented results, critical analysis of the results, conclusions) . Any absence to the TP-laboratory must be justified by an official document. Any unjustified absence is sanctioned by a score of 0/20 for the laboratory session concerned. In case the number of absences (justified or not) becomes significant, the professor has the right to use the article of RGEE allowing the jury to forbid the inscription to the exam.
The written exam covers all the concepts seen during the theoritical courses and within the TP-laboratories. The note of the written exam is 80% of the final note.
Online resources
- Hough J.S, Briggs D.E., Stevens R., Malting and brewing science. Vol. 1 (2nd édition). Malt and sweet wort. Chapman and Hall, London, 1981.
- Briggs D.E., Malts and malting. Blackie Academic & Professionnal, London, 1998.
- Kunze W., Technology brewing and malting. (4ème édition)VLB, Berlin, 2010.
- Analytica EBC, European Brewery Convention, 1997 (ou version plus récente lorsque la méthode a été corrigée).
Teaching materials
  • Les supports de cours indispensables sont tous disponibles sur la plateforme Moodle (slides et articles scientifiques présentés au cours, protocoles des travaux pratiques)
  • All essential course materials are available on the Moodle platform (slides and scientific articles presented during the course, practical work protocols).
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Advanced Master in Brewing Engineering