
lbrai2106  2021-2022  Louvain-la-Neuve

6.00 credits
50.0 h + 10.0 h
Bertin Pierre;
Baccalaureate courses in bioengineering or exact sciences, particularly general and plant biology, ecology, earth sciences. Bioengineering master courses: plant production, agrarian systems. Other desired courses: soil sciences, biosphere engineering, systems analysis.
Main themes
Topics covered :
Crop science of the main field crops and horticultural crops in temperate regions; tropical field crops. Evolution of the state of the land and crops during the seasons. Work to be carried out (tillage, sowing, fertilization, weeding, phytosanitary treatments, harvests) ' Recognition of weeds of field crops at an early stage and specific keys of determination.
Partim A: field crops and market gardening in temperate regions
Partim B : tropical cultures
Partim C: fruit crops in temperate regions
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 a. Contribution of the activity to the AA reference frame (AA of the program)
To know and understand a base of in-depth knowledge in the field of plant production (M1.1, M1.2, M2.2)
Activate and mobilize one's knowledge in engineering according to a quantitative approach, in front of a complex agronomy problem at the plant and field scales (M2.4)
Propose an analytical and systemic scientific approach to deepen a research problem in the field of plant production (M3.3, M3.4)
b. Specific formulation for this AA activity of the program
At the end of this activity, the student will be able to :
- to establish the phytotechnical acts and to justify them according to the physiology and ecophysiology of the plant
- to reason a method of phytosanitary protection according to the environmental and physiological constraints of the crop
- to criticize the relevance of phytotechnical acts in the global framework of the productive system
Partim A: field crops and market gardening in temperate regions
- Lectures :
Rotation, tillage and sowing, organic and mineral fertilization, ecological requirements and crop cycles, phytosanitary protection (weeds, diseases, pests), harvests, environmental impact, excursions: farm visits (conventional, organic and conservation agriculture)
- excursions: farm visits
Partim B : tropical cultures
- Lectures :
Cropping systems and main agricultural ecologies of tropical regions; food crops; perennial crops; crop associations
Partim C: fruit crops in temperate regions
Horticultural techniques in fruit growing (cutting, grafting, layering); physiology of growth, flowering and fruiting; growing systems
Teaching methods
Lectures, largely illustrated with photos and diagrams, visits to agricultural service websites (warnings, manuring advice), direct observation of engine parts
- Follow-up of culture development by plant dissection
- Farm tours with agricultural service specialists and farmers
Evaluation methods
Written exam. Cross-curricular and synthesis questions aimed at evaluating the reasoned and critical approach to agricultural practices.
Other information
This course can be given in English.
Online resources
Nombreuses sources en ligne d'institutions de service agricole (CIPF, IRBAB, CEPICOP, Terres Inovia...)
Références données dans les montages powerpoint
Numerous online sources of agricultural service institutions (CIPF, IRBAB, CEPICOP, Terres Inovia...)
References given in the Powerpoint presentations
Teaching materials
  • dias powerpoint disponibles sur moodle
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Agricultural Bioengineering