Ateliers de recherche: synthèse et articulation thématiques-Eco-architectures

lbarc2236  2021-2022  Bruxelles Saint-Gilles

Ateliers de recherche: synthèse et articulation thématiques-Eco-architectures
8.00 credits
90.0 h
Meyer Sandrine; Thielemans Benoit; Van Moeseke Geoffrey;

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Main themes

This teaching unit, entitled Research Workshops IN and ON Architecture, is taught by joint lecturers. It enables students first to develop a research project linked to an architectural project based on an individual topic and second to place this project, in a critical way, in relation to the shared issue and in relation to similar projects of other students.
All the students work together in the research workshop; this encourages group competitiveness and autonomy.
These research workshops are linked to the Final Dissertation which is done entirely independently.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Design a project
  • Express and prioritise the aims of the projects so as to be able to make choices
  • Analyse, consider and invent artistic practices through drawings and models
  • Adopt approaches which are methodical, creative, metaphorical, perceptive, collaborative etc.
Test an artistic approach
  • To capture the 'spirit of the time' and identify the means which will enable it to be revealed
  • To imagine drivers which can transform the perception of what is real
Place the action
  • Identify and analyse the paradigms on which the study is based according to various given methods and starting from various points of view
Make use of other subjects
  • Interpret and synthesise the knowledge of other subjects
Use the technical dimension
  • Be able to apply the various basic technical principles in producing a work of architecture
Express an architectural procedure
Test and use relevant means of communication in relation to the intended audience and the target objectives
Adopt a professional attitude
  • Act as an independent player able to understand the framework of his/her mission, and the responsibilities towards third parties as well as his/her legal obligations
Make committed choices
  • Develop awareness of the political meaning of the work of an architect and his/her responsibility towards society
  • Make links between different methodological and epistemological perspectives
  • Understand the merits of an idea which can lead to the objectives to be achieved by the project; follow through with determination, even by means of a modest intervention, the implementation of this idea and the achievement of these objectives
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Architecture (Bruxelles)