5.00 crédits
30.0 h
Aust-Gronarz Ina;
Working with people for other cultural backgrounds has become part of the daily activities in organizations today for employees at all levels. The global pressure for competitiveness and effectiveness has increased the number of strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions, with the objective of having access to resources, capital and new market opportunities. People who have never met each other need to work together in multicultural virtual teams.
It is no longer sufficient, that managers are able to communicate effectively and work with people from one culture and that they understand and learn how to adapt to this particular culture. Instead, managers must interact simultaneously and effectively with people in multiple cultures or with a poly-cultural background.
This course is based on research and insights from diverse disciplines, including cross-cultural psychology, social psychology, cultural anthropology, organizational behavior, international human resource management, business ethics and corporate social responsibility.
It is no longer sufficient, that managers are able to communicate effectively and work with people from one culture and that they understand and learn how to adapt to this particular culture. Instead, managers must interact simultaneously and effectively with people in multiple cultures or with a poly-cultural background.
This course is based on research and insights from diverse disciplines, including cross-cultural psychology, social psychology, cultural anthropology, organizational behavior, international human resource management, business ethics and corporate social responsibility.
Méthodes d'enseignement
Different teaching methods will be used such as lecture input, case analysis, role playing, videos, guided readings, group discussions and guest speakers. Interacting and communicating with people from diverse cultures is one of the key objectives of this course, hence, students are required to prepare the courses and to contribute as actively as they can within the course setting. We expect you to prepare the required readings and cases (see course schedule) before class in order to be able to contribute in a competent way to the discussions and exercises. A number of sessions will take place online as effective virtual intercultural work is one of the goals in this course.
Modes d'évaluation
des acquis des étudiants
des acquis des étudiants
The assessment of your performance in this course is composed of the following elements:
- Team evaluation: Group work, oral presentations and peer review (continuous evaluation)
- Individual evaluation: Individual reflection paper, course preparations and participation (continuous evaluation)
- The grade obtained for the team evaluation remains, if it is at least 50% of the overall possible team grade.
- The individual reflection paper and course preparation and participation grade is replaced by an oral exam.
Autres infos
The number of places in this course is restricted. The course is compulsory for IB students.
en ligne
en ligne
Available on Moodle:
course material and slides are uploaded on Moodle
required and further readings are uploaded on Moodle
Support de cours
- Moodle
Faculté ou entité
en charge
en charge