Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information below is subject to change,
in particular that concerning the teaching mode (presential, distance or in a comodal or hybrid format).
5 credits
30.0 h
Aoun Elena; Leloup Fabienne;
Figuière, C., et. al., Économie politique du développement durable, De Boeck, collection Ouvertures économiques », 2016
Visvanathan, N. et. al. (eds.), The Women, Gender and Development Reader, Halifax / New York : Fernwood Publishing/Zed Books, 2nd edition
Parpart, J.L. et. al. (eds.), Theoretical Perspectives on Gender and Development, Ottawa : The International Development Research Centre, 2000
Masika, R. (ed.), Gender, Development and Climate Change, Oxford : Oxfam, 2002.
Visvanathan, N. et. al. (eds.), The Women, Gender and Development Reader, Halifax / New York : Fernwood Publishing/Zed Books, 2nd edition
Parpart, J.L. et. al. (eds.), Theoretical Perspectives on Gender and Development, Ottawa : The International Development Research Centre, 2000
Masika, R. (ed.), Gender, Development and Climate Change, Oxford : Oxfam, 2002.
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