Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information below is subject to change,
in particular that concerning the teaching mode (presential, distance or in a comodal or hybrid format).
3 credits
30.0 h
Pouillon Henry; Salembier Chloé; Wilbaux Quentin;
Main themes
This teaching unit introduces students to the issues involved in academic research, its methodology or methodologies and to the creation of a research project linked to an architectural project which leads to the formulation of a personal topic:
- to provide students with an introduction on how to put together a research project
- to learn how to define an issue, a research subject, the state of knowledge in the field, a methodology or an objective in terms of the result.
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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Specific learning outcomes: By the end of this course, students will be able to:
Design a project
This EU introduces the student to the challenges of university research - and its methodology(s) - and to the creation of a research project articulated to the architecture project leading to the formulation of a personal question:
- initiate the student to the constitution of a research project
- learn to define a theme, a problem, an object of study, a state of the art in the field, a coherent methodology, an objective in terms of results.
The teaching unit alternates theory and practice of research through a series of thematic sessions.
Session 1
Presentation of the work "IN & ON" architecture: objectives of the TFE, timetable, course content and evaluation methods.
Brainstorming on research themes and group training according to research fields
Session 2
Formulation of a research problem: how to move from a theme to a research question?
Session 3
Definition of a study object: how to link the research problem to a field of study?
Session 4 - 5 - 6
Elaboration of a state of the art: how to integrate personal research into a scientific process?
=> Practical research tools: creation of a bibliography, citation of peers, endnote and reading sheets.
Session 7
Articulation of iconographic and argumentative logics: how does produced and mobilized iconography create knowledge?
Session 8
Elaboration of a written summary of the progress of the research (1 page)
Reflection on the spatial scales of the research project
Session 9
Collective and individual discussion on the progress of the research project
Session 10-11-12
Oral presentation in thematic groups: issues, methodology, subject of studies, bibliography, table of contents
Discussion on the realization of the project in research and architecture project
- initiate the student to the constitution of a research project
- learn to define a theme, a problem, an object of study, a state of the art in the field, a coherent methodology, an objective in terms of results.
The teaching unit alternates theory and practice of research through a series of thematic sessions.
Session 1
Presentation of the work "IN & ON" architecture: objectives of the TFE, timetable, course content and evaluation methods.
Brainstorming on research themes and group training according to research fields
Session 2
Formulation of a research problem: how to move from a theme to a research question?
Session 3
Definition of a study object: how to link the research problem to a field of study?
Session 4 - 5 - 6
Elaboration of a state of the art: how to integrate personal research into a scientific process?
=> Practical research tools: creation of a bibliography, citation of peers, endnote and reading sheets.
Session 7
Articulation of iconographic and argumentative logics: how does produced and mobilized iconography create knowledge?
Session 8
Elaboration of a written summary of the progress of the research (1 page)
Reflection on the spatial scales of the research project
Session 9
Collective and individual discussion on the progress of the research project
Session 10-11-12
Oral presentation in thematic groups: issues, methodology, subject of studies, bibliography, table of contents
Discussion on the realization of the project in research and architecture project
Teaching methods
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.
Courses and exercises, lectures and workshops
Evaluation methods
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.
The evaluation of the course is based on two distinct learning outcomes:- Oral presentation of the progress of the research (10% of the score)
- Written work on the progress of the research - 10 pages (90% of the score)
Eco Umberto, Comment écrire sa thèse (traduit de l'italien par Laurent Cantagrel), Flammarion, Paris, 2016 (édition originale : come si fa una tesi di laurea?, RCS Libri, S.p.A, Milan, 1977-2015)
Collectif, Recherche architecturale urbaine et paysagère. Vers un doctorat en architecture, Paris, ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, 2005.
Collectif, Chercher sa recherche, les pratiques et perspectives de la recherche en école supérieure d'art, Nancy, Presses universitaires de Nancy, 2012.
Collectif, L'artiste, un chercheur pas comme les autres, Hermès, La Revue 2/2015 (n° 72).
Dautrey, J., La Recherche en art(s), Paris, éditions MF, 2010.
Collectif, Recherche architecturale urbaine et paysagère. Vers un doctorat en architecture, Paris, ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, 2005.
Collectif, Chercher sa recherche, les pratiques et perspectives de la recherche en école supérieure d'art, Nancy, Presses universitaires de Nancy, 2012.
Collectif, L'artiste, un chercheur pas comme les autres, Hermès, La Revue 2/2015 (n° 72).
Dautrey, J., La Recherche en art(s), Paris, éditions MF, 2010.
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Master [120] in Architecture (Tournai)