Simple constructions

ltarc1365  2020-2021  Tournai

Simple constructions
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information below is subject to change, in particular that concerning the teaching mode (presential, distance or in a comodal or hybrid format).
3 credits
30.0 h
Fache Dimitri;
Main themes
This teaching unit offers study and critical analysis of construction done with materials that do not require energy intensive transformation, left behind by regulations and technological progress.
The aim is to pass on to architects knowledge of good practice using materials which are readily available and to review construction techniques, some of which go back a long way, which correspond to modern criteria of sustainability.

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Specific learning outcomes:
By the end of the course, students will be able to
  • understand and put forward a coherent construction plan for a building with the materials being studied.
  • understand the behaviour of a material according to its environment and use.
  • understand the challenges facing society raised by the materials being studied.
Contribution to the learning outcomes reference framework:
With regard to the learning outcomes reference framework of the Bachelor's degree in Architecture, this teaching unit contributes to the development, the acquisition and the assessment of the following learning outcomes:
Build knowledge of architecture
  • Be familiar with and analyse the basic references
  • Be able to use given references which, by analogy, can lead to other interpretations of the context
Make use of other subjects
  • Seek out other approaches, exchanges of views and ways of enhancing thinking about architecture
Jean-Marc Huygen, La poubelle et l'architecte - vers le réemploi des matériaux -, L'impensé ACTES SUD 2008
Andrea Oppenheimer Dean & Timothy Hursley , Rural Studio - Samuel Mockbee and an Architecture of Decency -, Princeton Archi 2002
Patrick Bouchain, Construire autrement : comment faire ?, Actes Sud, 2006 -
Enzo Mari, Autoprogettazione?, Corraini Edizioni, 2002
Wolfram Graubner, Assemblage du bois - L'Europe et le Japon face à face, Vial, 2002
Toyto Ito, L'architecture du jour d'après, Les Impressions Nouvelles, 2014
Ivan Illich, La convivialité, Points, 2014 (1e edition : 1973)
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Bachelor in Architecture (Tournai)