Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information below is subject to change,
in particular that concerning the teaching mode (presential, distance or in a comodal or hybrid format).
6 credits
50.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Dufays Jean-Louis (coordinator);
To take the course on teaching French as a first language (LROM2950) in parallel.
Main themes
The stage consists in 50 hours divided into two parts:
a. Practical training in observation and analysis of teaching practices (10 h) : to encourage the student to develop the care of the class by observing two classes of different institutions, and those of their future students and training supervisors.
b. Teaching training : to enable the future teachers to experiment different issues in the course under the guidance of training supervisors approved by UCL.
These courses are divided into three parts, corresponding to three different trainings:
- "Training duo" (10 h): training in French as mother tongue, which will be delivered together with an other student, with alternating speech. It focuses specifically on communication and relational aspects of the act of teaching.
- First teaching "training in solo" (20 h): training in French as mother tongue, including 10 hours that constitute a full set-up in the same class in collaboration with the training supervisor. Therefore, this course will run over several weeks.
- Second teaching "training in solo" (10 h): training that can be in French as mother tongue, in French as foreign language, in Spanish or in Italian. If it concerns French as mother tongue, it can also be used to run a "class project" proposed by the training supervisor : preparation of a play or of a cultural activity linked to the course.
a. Practical training in observation and analysis of teaching practices (10 h) : to encourage the student to develop the care of the class by observing two classes of different institutions, and those of their future students and training supervisors.
b. Teaching training : to enable the future teachers to experiment different issues in the course under the guidance of training supervisors approved by UCL.
These courses are divided into three parts, corresponding to three different trainings:
- "Training duo" (10 h): training in French as mother tongue, which will be delivered together with an other student, with alternating speech. It focuses specifically on communication and relational aspects of the act of teaching.
- First teaching "training in solo" (20 h): training in French as mother tongue, including 10 hours that constitute a full set-up in the same class in collaboration with the training supervisor. Therefore, this course will run over several weeks.
- Second teaching "training in solo" (10 h): training that can be in French as mother tongue, in French as foreign language, in Spanish or in Italian. If it concerns French as mother tongue, it can also be used to run a "class project" proposed by the training supervisor : preparation of a play or of a cultural activity linked to the course.
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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After this activity, the student will have demonstrated his capacity: - to design, plan and deliver courses of French, and possibly Spanish or Italian, in upper secondary education, - to reflect on his teaching practices and to regulate them, - to adapt to different situations in school environments by interacting with different training supervisors. |
For each training that he/she must perform, the student will present at the beginning of the year his/her list of preferences among institutions and training which will be proposed. He/she will however have his/her training in two different types of education (general, technical, transitional, technical or professional qualification). Once the courses will have been allocated, he will negotiate with his training supervisors the terms of his passive and active lessons. He/she will also work with his/her training supervisor about topics and schedule of the training. Before beginning a training, he/she will submit his/her draft preparation, and the teaching supervisor will discuss with him/her any amendments thereto.
Teaching methods
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.
Type of teaching : each student will distribute his/her trainings as much as possible among the general, technical transition, technical and professional qualification.Alternate courses and learning: the courses are based closely on didactics lessons and are organized alternatively with them.
Evaluation methods
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.
Each practice period is assessed continuously in the light of the remarks and daily advice of the supervisor; when it has finished, it is formally assessed by means of a three page grid which the supervisor shows the student at a feedback session.All of these practice periods count towards the final formal assessment which takes the form of a public lesson taught in the presence of an examining board made up of lecturers from the Master's degree programme in Romance languages and literatures.
Possible exemptions : students who have already been teaching for at least a year may be exempted for 10 hours of the two-part practice periods.
Other information
Support : a folder containing observation and assessment tables, all necessary information and helpful documents is available for students. Under the terms of Article 76 paragraph 3 of the Decree of 31 March 2004 defining higher education, promoting its integration into the European space for higher education and refinancing the universities, public lessons will no longer be organized in the September examination period. Should they fail, students will have to retake the whole year.
Principaux livres de référence : SIMARD, Claude, DUFAYS, Jean-Louis, DOLZ, Joaquim et GARCIA-DEBANC, Claudine, Didactique du français langue première, Bruxelles, De Boeck, 2010.
COLLÈS, Luc, DUFAYS, Jean-Louis et MAEDER Costantino (dir.), Enseigner le français, l'espagnol et l'italien. Les langues romanes à l'heure des compétences, Bruxelles, De Boeck, 2003 (Savoirs en pratique).
DUFAYS, Jean-Louis, GEMENNE, Louis, LEDUR, Dominique, Pour une lecture littéraire. Histoire, théories, pistes pour la classe, Bruxelles, De Boeck, 2005 (Savoirs en pratique).
COLLÈS, Luc, DUFAYS, Jean-Louis et MAEDER Costantino (dir.), Enseigner le français, l'espagnol et l'italien. Les langues romanes à l'heure des compétences, Bruxelles, De Boeck, 2003 (Savoirs en pratique).
DUFAYS, Jean-Louis, GEMENNE, Louis, LEDUR, Dominique, Pour une lecture littéraire. Histoire, théories, pistes pour la classe, Bruxelles, De Boeck, 2005 (Savoirs en pratique).
Faculty or entity