Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information below is subject to change,
in particular that concerning the teaching mode (presential, distance or in a comodal or hybrid format).
5 credits
30.0 h
This biannual learning unit is being organized in 2020-2021
Richelle Matthieu; Van Oyen Geert;
This course is meant to understand the unity and diversity between the two Testaments. This year (2020-21) the focus is on food and meals. The first session is a presentation of the topic and its anthropological, sociological and theological impact.
During the next sessions students will learn to know clusters of texts in the Old and the New Testament that are intertextually connected with each other. These related passages allow the students to discover the most important aspects of the topic of the course: food as a physiological necessity, religious restrictions about food, sociological consequences of these restrictions, the "sacred meal", ..
Each session consists of the study of a NT pericope in its context (historical, socio-cultural) and its intertextual relationship with OT passages and other Jewish tradition. Not only the specific interpretation in the NT is studied, but alo the changes in cultural and religious contexts.
The last meeting will allow us to make a summary and to clarify the theological perspective.
During the next sessions students will learn to know clusters of texts in the Old and the New Testament that are intertextually connected with each other. These related passages allow the students to discover the most important aspects of the topic of the course: food as a physiological necessity, religious restrictions about food, sociological consequences of these restrictions, the "sacred meal", ..
Each session consists of the study of a NT pericope in its context (historical, socio-cultural) and its intertextual relationship with OT passages and other Jewish tradition. Not only the specific interpretation in the NT is studied, but alo the changes in cultural and religious contexts.
The last meeting will allow us to make a summary and to clarify the theological perspective.
Teaching methods
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.
This cours consists of thirteen sessions of two hours. It is recorded on videa and made available for distant learning. It contains- some moments of ex cathedra teaching;
- preparatory work before and during the meetings ;
- oral presentations and discussions.
Evaluation methods
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.
There will be a permanent evaluation :- Preparatory work to submit on Moodle and also during the meeting [30% of the final result]
- Oral presentationl [70% of the final result]
Other information
One course of introduction to the Old Testament and one course of Introduction to the New Testament.
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