Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information below is subject to change,
in particular that concerning the teaching mode (presential, distance or in a comodal or hybrid format).
3 credits
30.0 h
Verhaert Marianne (coordinator);
Main themes
- Belgium and export
- Belgium...at first sight
- The world after 9/11
- The stock exchange
- Marketing
- Subjects of topical interest
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 |
Code At the end of this teaching unit the student should be able to master the specific Dutch vocabulary used in the business world. LevelB2+ of the European Reference Framework; Individual Listening comprehension At the end of this teaching unit the student should be able to deal with all Dutch listening texts of a general businesslike nature in a critical way, understand them and make full use of them. Level C1 minimum of the European Reference Framework; Oral expression and interactive communication At the end of this teaching unit the student should be able to express him/herself orally and communicate interactively easily, spontaneously, thoroughly and convincingly on either subjets of a general nature or subjects related to the business world. He should be able as well to tackle the subject strategically in an enterprise or organisation and this within a national or international and multicultural context. Level B2+ of the European Reference Framework; Business communication techniques At the end of this teaching unit the student should be able to thoroughly master and use critically an entity of key elements needed to communicate effectively within a business organisation.(debate, negotiation, business meeting) Level B2+ of the European Reference Framework. |
This teaching unit consists of
- confronting the students with different kinds of audio and video fragments (monologues, dialogues, formal/informal register, different accents) in order to improve the level of the listening comprehension
- improving their speaking skills (particularly in a business environment) through a variety of oral exercises.
- confronting the students with the culture of dutchspeaking Belgium by a guided visit to one of Flanders cities.
- Confronting the students with the world of business and business communication by means of a visit of a companyin Flandres and an interview with the person responsible for communication in the company. This visit is done by the students themselves.
Teaching methods
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.
- Lessons in groups of 20 students.
- Note attesting to the "hours of presence
If circumstances (in terms of health or the possibilities offered to us by the university authorities) permit, "face-to-face hours" consist of live teaching in a room allocated by the ILV. If "live teaching" is not possible, we will switch to digital lessons through Teams where the presence of students is required. - Workload
Classroom hours : 30 h
Self-study (including e-learning): 60 h - Extension of business and economical vocabulary. In all cases the vocabulary is presented in context.
- Training and development of listening skills in class by means of authentic documents mainly focussing on economical and commercial topics.
Additional exercises will have to be done at home (e-learning on the Moodle platform) - Training and development of speaking skills in a professional context. (the debate, the negotiation, the business meeting, the presentation, the job interview etc. ) by means of classroom teaching .
Additional exercises will have to be done at home (e-learning on the Moodle platform).
Evaluation methods
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.
At the end of Q1:-
oral exam (50%)
Written exam (50%) (listening comprehension 30% and vocabulary 20%).
Both exams cover the topics treated in the first four months.
If the sanitary or other situation does not allow for face-to-face classes, the tests will be replaced by a written exam with proctoring. (Test we/Wiseflow) at the end of each quadri.
If the lecturer at the examination with proctoring suspects that a student has committed fraud, she reserves the right to question the student verbally afterwards on his knowledge and, if necessary, to adjust the marks.
If the proctoring platform for the written exam cannot be used, the written exam will be cancelled and replaced by an oral evaluation which will constitute 100% of the final grade.
If the sanitary or other situation does not allow for face-to-face classes, the tests will be replaced by a written exam with proctoring. (Test we/Wiseflow) at the end of each quadri.
Online resources
- Syllabus LNEER2710 + Plate-forme Moodle
- Les documents audio et vidéo authentiques ayant trait à l'actualité.
Teaching materials
- Syllabus LNEER 2710
Faculty or entity
Force majeure
Evaluation methods
If an online exam with proctoring in week 14 is excluded and if an exam in the January session on campus with supervision by the professor becomes impossible OR if the students urge to take the LNEER 2710 exam out of the January session, an alternative to the exam will be proposed in the form of a task to be handed in in week 14.
This alternative assignment will replace the oral exam, the vocabulary exam as well as the listening skills test as all these skills are tested in this assignment.
This alternative assignment will replace the oral exam, the vocabulary exam as well as the listening skills test as all these skills are tested in this assignment.
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Master [120] in Multilingual Communication