Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information below is subject to change,
in particular that concerning the teaching mode (presential, distance or in a comodal or hybrid format).
4 credits
20.0 h + 15.0 h
Latteur Pierre;
Main themes
See chapter "Content" hereunder
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 |
AA1.1, AA1.2, AA1.3, AA2.1, AA2.2, AA2.3, AA2.4 At the end of this course, the students must be able to:
Part 1: The wood material
Chapter 1: Trees, the forest, the context of wood production
Chapter 2: A Brief History of Wood Construction
Chapter 3: Advantages and disadvantages of wood in construction
Chapter 4: Wood Anatomy
Chapter 5: Wood, Temperature and Water
Chapter 6: Wood Durability: Preservation, Finishing, Design
Chapter 7: Mechanical properties of wood
Part 2: ELU and ELS design criteria
Chapter 8: Structural elements in solid timber
Chapter 9: Structural elements in glue-laminated timber
Chapter 10: Actions, cases of charges, combinations of (cases of) charges
Chapter 11: Design criteria defined by EC5
Chapter 12: Resistance in section: design criterion ELU
Chapter 13: Integration of Buckling into the design criteria
Chapter 14: Integration of the lateral torsional buckling into the design criteria
Chapter 15: Curved elements in BLC
Chapter 16: Variable Inertia Beams
Part 3: Building systems
Chapter 17: Structural elements derived from wood
Chapter 18: Building Systems
Chapter 19: Trusses
Chapter 20: Cable beams
Chapter 21: Continuous beams, cantilever beams
Chapter 22: Arches
Chapter 23: Frames
Chapter 24: Other building systems
Chapter 25: Wind bracing
Part 4: Design and calculation of timber connections
Chapter 26: General
Chapter 27: Traditional Assemblies (Timber to Timber)
Chapter 28: Metal Rods and Connectors
Chapter 29: Johansen Theory, design according to EC5
Chapter 30: Bolted Assemblies
Chapter 31: Broached, Nailed and Screwed Assemblies
Chapter 32: Rigidity of assemblies, ELS calculations
Part 5: Timber and fire
Chapter 33: General and Belgian regulations
Chapter 34: Calculation of REI aspects according to EC5 (part 1.2)
Part 1: The wood material
Chapter 1: Trees, the forest, the context of wood production
Chapter 2: A Brief History of Wood Construction
Chapter 3: Advantages and disadvantages of wood in construction
Chapter 4: Wood Anatomy
Chapter 5: Wood, Temperature and Water
Chapter 6: Wood Durability: Preservation, Finishing, Design
Chapter 7: Mechanical properties of wood
Part 2: ELU and ELS design criteria
Chapter 8: Structural elements in solid timber
Chapter 9: Structural elements in glue-laminated timber
Chapter 10: Actions, cases of charges, combinations of (cases of) charges
Chapter 11: Design criteria defined by EC5
Chapter 12: Resistance in section: design criterion ELU
Chapter 13: Integration of Buckling into the design criteria
Chapter 14: Integration of the lateral torsional buckling into the design criteria
Chapter 15: Curved elements in BLC
Chapter 16: Variable Inertia Beams
Part 3: Building systems
Chapter 17: Structural elements derived from wood
Chapter 18: Building Systems
Chapter 19: Trusses
Chapter 20: Cable beams
Chapter 21: Continuous beams, cantilever beams
Chapter 22: Arches
Chapter 23: Frames
Chapter 24: Other building systems
Chapter 25: Wind bracing
Part 4: Design and calculation of timber connections
Chapter 26: General
Chapter 27: Traditional Assemblies (Timber to Timber)
Chapter 28: Metal Rods and Connectors
Chapter 29: Johansen Theory, design according to EC5
Chapter 30: Bolted Assemblies
Chapter 31: Broached, Nailed and Screwed Assemblies
Chapter 32: Rigidity of assemblies, ELS calculations
Part 5: Timber and fire
Chapter 33: General and Belgian regulations
Chapter 34: Calculation of REI aspects according to EC5 (part 1.2)
Teaching methods
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.
Lectures for the volume 1. Tutotials for the volume 2.
Evaluation methods
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.
Exam of about an hour, about the theoretical concepts of the course (PART I) + exam of about 3 hours with practical problems to solve (PART II). For the PART II exam, students can only have a personal handwritten summary on a single, double-sided A4 sheet.The success of both parties is required. If one of the two parties is in failure, the resulting score will be the minimum between the average score and 9/20.
An eliminatory question on very basic aspects of the course can be provided at the beginning of the exam. The final score will be 0/20 if this eliminatory question is not successful.
Online resources
Available on Moodle
- Transparents du cours et syllabus d'exercices résolus, téléchargeables sur http://www.issd.be/CoursLatteur.html;
- Syllabus conseillé : Dimensionnement et technologie des structures en bois, introduction à l'EC5, volumes 1 et 2, janvier 2014, Faculté Polytechnique de Mons ;
- Livre suggéré : Traité de Génie Civil de l'Ecole polytechnique de Lausanne : volume 12.
Faculty or entity