Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information below is subject to change,
in particular that concerning the teaching mode (presential, distance or in a comodal or hybrid format).
5 credits
30.0 h
Renders David; Wauters Kris;
Main themes
The selected issues correspond to special questions of administrative law directly influenced by European law. The number of issues is limited in order to enable a deep analysis of each of them. They can also change in consideration of among others Belgian or European legal current events. The analysis may concern an issue in the sphere of public procurements law or civil service law in connection with European Union Law. It may also concern a question of civil service law or taking over a real estate for a public purpose influenced by the European Convention on Human Rights or one of its protocols.
Teaching is made in classes at the rhythm of two hours a week during one semester. The teacher illustrates the course with many examples and tries to incite the active participation of the student. At this respect, he invites the student to put the newly acquired knowledge into practice in concrete situations. He also promotes critical observations regarding solutions recommended by law in force.
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | At the end of the course, the student should be able: - To get a deep knowledge of the issues of special administrative law which are influenced by the European Convention on Human Rights and/or European Union Law. - To put this knowledge into practice in concrete situations. - To make critical observations regarding the solutions recommended by law in force. This course is part of a coherent function. The members of the teaching staff in this function form a teaching team. They consult each other on the content and the methods of each course in order to ensure a complementarity. If possible and within the limits of the number of registered students, the course is based on participative pedagogical methods. The teacher illustrates its course with examples and invites the students to apply the newly acquired knowledge to concrete situations. |
Teaching materials
- Documentation placée sur Moodle pour la partie dispensée par David Renders
Faculty or entity