Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information below is subject to change,
in particular that concerning the teaching mode (presential, distance or in a comodal or hybrid format).
5 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
Contino Francesco (compensates Jonas Alain); Demoustier Sophie; Jonas Alain; Nysten Bernard; SOMEBODY;
Main themes
Three general topics are presented:
- An introduction to the understanding of matter structure and properties which leads to study the structure of atoms, the periodicity of atomic properties, intra- and inter-molecular bonds and how they control the structure of materials.
- An introduction to thermodynamics within the frame of physical and chemical equilibrium, in a rigorous way but without necessarily using the complete formalism of thermodynamics; the approach is based on the atomic structure of matter and ideas derived from statistical physics. This includes state variables, the first principle of thermodynamics (energy conservation, internal energy, enthalpy, heat and enthalpy of reaction), the second principle of thermodynamics (spontaneous and non-spontaneous processes, entropy), free energy (including its interest to describe equilibrated reactions and its link to equilibrium constants). The notion of ideal gas will also be briefly introduced.
- How these notions are of interest to understand one-component phase transformations and chemical equilibria in aqueous solutions, such as acid/base reactions and solubility equilibria.
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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Contribution of the course to the program objectives:
Regarding the learning outcomes of the program of Bachelor in Engineering, this course contributes to the development and the acquisition of the following learning outcomes:
Specific learning outcomes of the course: At the end of the course, the student will be able
Generalities: measurement units, matter, compounds, molecules, atoms, chemical symbols and equation, energy.
Atoms: electrons, protons, neutrons ; periodic table of elements ; light as a wave and emission spectra ; Bohr model, orbitals, quantum numbers, atomic radius ; energy of ionization.
Chemical bonds: types, Lewis structure, electronegativity, bond energy.
First principle of thermodynamics: work, energy, first principle, enthalpy, heat of reaction, of formation, of phase change, Hess' law.
Second principle of thermodynamics: entropy, spontaneous and equilibrated reactions, heat transfer, Boltzmann law, reaction entropy, Gibbs' free energy, phase changes.
Reaction equilibrium and free energy: Equilibrium constant, equilibrium vapour pressure.
Acid and bases: equilibrium, pH (weak and strong acids, salts, buffers, bases). pH computation, titration.
Equilibrium in aqueous solutions
Atoms: electrons, protons, neutrons ; periodic table of elements ; light as a wave and emission spectra ; Bohr model, orbitals, quantum numbers, atomic radius ; energy of ionization.
Chemical bonds: types, Lewis structure, electronegativity, bond energy.
First principle of thermodynamics: work, energy, first principle, enthalpy, heat of reaction, of formation, of phase change, Hess' law.
Second principle of thermodynamics: entropy, spontaneous and equilibrated reactions, heat transfer, Boltzmann law, reaction entropy, Gibbs' free energy, phase changes.
Reaction equilibrium and free energy: Equilibrium constant, equilibrium vapour pressure.
Acid and bases: equilibrium, pH (weak and strong acids, salts, buffers, bases). pH computation, titration.
Equilibrium in aqueous solutions
Teaching methods
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.
The course is based on two types of learning activities :- live, remote or comodal lectures or inverted classes;
- exercices to be solved in group under the supervision of a tutor live or remotely.
Evaluation methods
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.
Live or oon-line written examination during the session following the semester using multiple choice questionnaire and/or open questions. Questions may concern exercices or theoretical concepts.For this examination, the students receive a Mendeleev table mentioning the atomic and mass numbers of the elements and a formular established by the teachers.
Detailed modlities will be published on Moodle.
Online resources
- « Principes de Chimie », Atkins, Jones, Laverman (de boeck)
Certaines slides présentées au cours, les énoncés et les solutions des exercices sont disponibles sur Moodle. Pour certaines parties, des notes de cours sont aussi disponibles sur Moodle. Des videos et podcasts sont aussi mis à disposition sur Moodle.
Teaching materials
- « Principes de Chimie », Atkins, Jones, Laverman (de boeck)
Faculty or entity