Project in energy

lelme2003  2020-2021  Louvain-la-Neuve

Project in energy
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information below is subject to change, in particular that concerning the teaching mode (presential, distance or in a comodal or hybrid format).
6 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Contino Francesco; De Jaeger Emmanuel; Jeanmart Hervé;
This course implements a global project overviewing topics that were previously covered in the courses LFSAB1501 (Project 1 - principles of technical drawing) and LMECA1210 (Description and analyze of mechanisms). Moreover, many courses are taught in parallel to the project (during the Master in electromechanical engineering, mainly during the first quadrimester), and cover topics being fundamental to achieve the project. These courses are considered as prerequisites for students coming from other fields than the first year of this master.

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 The project mainly targets the acquisition of engineering skills similar to those being exploited in a mechatronics, robotics, or energy conversion systems design office or department
a.      Disciplinary Learning Outcomes
A.A.  1.1. 1.2. 1.3.
A.A.  2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4.
A.A.  3.2. 3.3.
A.A.  4.1. 4.2. 4.4.
A.A.  5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6.
A.A. 6.1. 6.3. 6.4.
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1.      Analyze a problem proposed by an external entity, and write its corresponding specifications
2.      Achieve a pre-study of an electromechanical device and build up a pre-project: finding possible solutions, comparing them based on criterions from the specs, selecting the best solution, making a pilot mock-up, preliminary dimensioning, etc.
3.      Conduct the detailed design of the selected electromechanical solution (or a mockup of the solution) including: the components dimensioning; the selection of standard materials and components (bearings, motors, gears, electronics, batteries, thermal engines, sensors, etc.); the production of a global drawing of the solution, and of detailed drawings for fabrication by using CAD software.
4.      Integrate the elements of the design into a functional prototype, build up, and assemble this prototype.
5.      Build up a synthesis dossier presenting all technical details of the selected solution (global drawing, nomenclature, calculations ') for the teaching staff.
b.      Transversal Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
Develop inventiveness while searching innovative solutions to an external problem.
Conduct a project in a group, requiring:
To rephrase some objectives.
To separate the basis problem into sub-tasks.
To evaluate the necessary resources for each task, and write down a working plan.
To distribute the work to be done within the group.
To maintain efficient communication within the group.
To make collective decisions.
To manage interpersonal relationships within the group, and to potentially solve conflicts in a constructive way.
Collect documentation and look for components from suppliers (describing the need, and selecting the most relevant component).
Perform a convincing public presentation by arguing on the decisions, in front of the teaching staff.
Perform a critical analysis of the functioning of an electromechanical device; anticipate possible failures and out-of-service causes. Guarantee the device security, as well as users' safety.
Group work on the design of the energy system of an autonomous entity (e.g. neighbourhood, village, island, hotel). This activity builds on skills from both mechanics (thermal cycles, wind turbines, etc.) and electricity (network, converters, etc.).
Teaching methods

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.

At the beginning of the year groups of 4 to 6 students are formed. 
During the first weeks of the project, each group develops a first energy system on the basis of the documents provided by the teaching team and the information obtained by the members of the group. Emphasis is put on orders of magnitude. 
The pre-design work continues during the first half of the first quarter (Q1) and ends with a presentation of the "static design of the energy system" in front of the teachers and possibly external experts. 
The dynamic design started in the first semester continues in the second semester and is the subject of a presentation.  
The end of the second semester (Q2) is devoted to advanced technical analyses (electrical network, heating network, etc.).
The year ends with a final presentation. 
At each important stage of the project, a report is given by each group. 
Between the formal stages of the project, consultancy activities are organized.
Evaluation methods

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.

Except in exceptional cases, the evaluation concerns the services of the group. The following elements will be taken into account:
- the work of the group during the year;
interim reports and presentations;
- the final presentation and report;

The activities on which the evaluation is based are clearly announced to the students. Other activities are subject to formative evaluation. 
Other information
If circumstances require it, interaction between groups and supervisors could take place via online exchanges.
Durant toute l'année, les étudiants sont accompagnés par des tuteur académiques qu'ls rencontrent de façon régulière. En outre, des personnes ressources (étudiants moniteurs, assistants, staff technique) sont disponibles pour traiter des questions particulières.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Master [120] in Electro-mechanical Engineering