Innovation Policy and Ecosystems

llsms2043  2020-2021  Louvain-la-Neuve

Innovation Policy and Ecosystems
En raison de la crise du COVID-19, les informations ci-dessous sont susceptibles d’être modifiées, notamment celles qui concernent le mode d’enseignement (en présentiel, en distanciel ou sous un format comodal ou hybride).
5 crédits
30.0 h
Gailly Benoît;
Thèmes abordés
The design and management of innovation ecosystems, both from a corporate networking and public policy viewpoints

A la fin de cette unité d’enseignement, l’étudiant est capable de :

1 Having regard to the LO of the programme, this activity contributes to the development and acquisition of the following LO :
  • Innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Knowledge and reasoning
  • Project management
  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Corporate citizenship
At the end of this course, the student will be able to
  • understandhow the ecosystems surrounding an organization affect its ability to manage innovation.
  • Building upon what they learned in the LSMS2040 class, they will understand in particular the competitive importance of networking and collaborations as well as the role of public policies and innovation support systems.
The objective of this class is to introduce the main concepts, models and issues of creating innovation-friendly environments, from the policy and ecosystem point of views.
We address in particular some key implications of innovation management regarding innovative people, teams, organizations, networks and ecosystems.
Class structure:
1. Build a shared vision of innovation (see LSMS 2116)
2. Manage entrepreneurial ecosystems
2.1 Encourage people to innovate
2.2 Build and lead effective innovative teams
2.3 Build innovation-ready organizations
2.4 Develop innovative networks and collaboration (see also LSMS 2041)
2.5 Create innovation ecosystems (see also LSMS 2041)
3. Identify attractive innovation opportunities (see LSMS 2040-2042)
4. Develop a balanced portfolio of business models (see LSMS 2040-2042)
5. Implementation: fail fast and win big (see LSMS 2040-2042)
5.1. Nimble execution: learn cheaply and adapt quickly
5.2. Lean development - more brain, less storming
5.3. Smart money - funding innovation projects (tbc)
Méthodes d'enseignement

En raison de la crise du COVID-19, les informations de cette rubrique sont particulièrement susceptibles d’être modifiées.

The pedagogical methods used include lectures, case study and testimonials, pre-readings  and student presentations
Modes d'évaluation
des acquis des étudiants

En raison de la crise du COVID-19, les informations de cette rubrique sont particulièrement susceptibles d’être modifiées.

The evaluation combines class participation (bonus/malus points), group works (continuous evaluation - 50%) and an oral exam (20 min, in June, 50%). Students who fail the June exam can have a second chance in September (oral exam or written work if student is abroad)
Compulsory attendance for corporate testimonials, workshops and group work presentations
The evaluation criteria include:
  1. Ability to present the concepts addressed during the class
  2. Ability to explain and present in a rigorous way those concepts
  3. Ability to illustrate in a relevant and fact-based way the concepts through (among others) the testimonies and the case studies presented in the class.
  4. Ability to understand the key implications and limitations of the concepts, in the context of the class subject
  5. Ability to understand the key implications and limitations of the concepts, in the context of management in general
  6. Ability to criticize, develop or complement the concepts in a relevant and original way.
Autres infos
This class is a follow-up of LSMS2040 and LSMS2042
en ligne
Navigating Innovation App on iOS and Android
Reference book :  Navigating Innovation (Palgrave, 2018)
Recommended readings :
  • Tidd J., Bessant D. (2018) Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change, 6th Edition, Wiley
  • Mitra, Jay (2012) Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development, Routledge
  • Mazzucato, M. (2013) The Entrepreneurial State, Anthem Press
Support de cours
  • Class presentations available on Moodle
Faculté ou entité
en charge

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Intitulé du programme
Master [120] : ingénieur de gestion

Master [120] : ingénieur de gestion