En raison de la crise du COVID-19, les informations ci-dessous sont susceptibles d’être modifiées,
notamment celles qui concernent le mode d’enseignement (en présentiel, en distanciel ou sous un format comodal ou hybride).
5 crédits
30.0 h
Knaepen Denis;
Thèmes abordés
The objective is to provide students with a clear understanding of what today s management of a firm in a globalized trade and capital markets environment is about i.e.: -identify treasury and finance matters/risks associated with doing business in an international environment -understand the extent to which the business can be affected treasury and finance matters/risks -present and discuss financial and banking products/techniques in order to manage international risks and optimize treasury and finance decisions -understand the objectives and approach of Chief Financial Officers, Group Treasurers, Heads of M&A/Strategy, Investors relations, Corporate Bankers, Investment Bankers, Traders and Risk managers when dealing with the reality of doing business on a globalized world
A la fin de cette unité d’enseignement, l’étudiant est capable de : | |
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During their programme, students of the LSM Master's in management and Master's in Business engineering will have developed the following capabilities'
For many years, most companies have been dealing with the challenge of having to grow their business on an international basis through export sales (international trade) or direct foreign investments (subsidiaries, JVs, etc).
In the last decade, this strategy has become even more important as the world economy has become a true global market place for consumer and industrial goods as well as financial products and services.
For small, medium and large public or private corporations having to maintain sufficient competitiveness, the key question is therefore how to implement a proper financial strategy in order to deal with the various risks and matters associated with doing business internationally or domestically in a globalized interconnected economy. But not only that: the collapse of the internet bubble, the financial scandals, the subprime crisis, the sovereign debt crisis, the market volatility potential, etc have demonstrated the extent to which the global real economy and the various financial markets are completely inter-connected together thereby affecting the financial management of every business, independently from its size and/or geographical location (and/or willingness to get exposed to international markets).
The objective is to provide students with a clear understanding of what today’s financial management of a firm in a globalized trade and capital markets environment is about i.e.:
-identify treasury and finance matters/risks associated with doing business in an international environment
-understand the extent to which the business can be affected treasury and finance matters/risks
-present and discuss financial and banking products/techniques in order to manage international risks and optimize treasury and finance decisions
-understand the objectives and approach of Chief Financial Officers, Group Treasurers, Heads of M&A/Strategy, Investors relations, Corporate Bankers, Investment Bankers, Traders and Risk managers when dealing with the reality of doing business on a globalized world
During their programme, students will develop the following capabilities:
The course is full of international examples where both organizational aspects and/or economical/geopolitical aspects are looked into. Global economy and multi-cultural financial elements are embedded in this course as well as the way organizations are dealing with those aspects in their international organization.
During this course, the professor will always draw the student’s attention on the market’s practices and/or management misbehaviours that we identified as having played a role in contemporary financial crisis. Students will be encouraged to reflect upon those examples.
The course will provide the student with a deep understanding of the latest financial market practices on an international basis in international risks assessment, hedging, funding management as well as treasury matters
The student will have to combine different skills and knowledge in order to evaluate precisely the best financial strategy to pursue
Throughout the course, the student will quickly understand that he/she needs to develop a leadership style based on learning, acquiring financial skills, exchanging ideas/knowledge with key people around the globe and finally decision-making in a VUCA environment
In the last decade, this strategy has become even more important as the world economy has become a true global market place for consumer and industrial goods as well as financial products and services.
For small, medium and large public or private corporations having to maintain sufficient competitiveness, the key question is therefore how to implement a proper financial strategy in order to deal with the various risks and matters associated with doing business internationally or domestically in a globalized interconnected economy. But not only that: the collapse of the internet bubble, the financial scandals, the subprime crisis, the sovereign debt crisis, the market volatility potential, etc have demonstrated the extent to which the global real economy and the various financial markets are completely inter-connected together thereby affecting the financial management of every business, independently from its size and/or geographical location (and/or willingness to get exposed to international markets).
The objective is to provide students with a clear understanding of what today’s financial management of a firm in a globalized trade and capital markets environment is about i.e.:
-identify treasury and finance matters/risks associated with doing business in an international environment
-understand the extent to which the business can be affected treasury and finance matters/risks
-present and discuss financial and banking products/techniques in order to manage international risks and optimize treasury and finance decisions
-understand the objectives and approach of Chief Financial Officers, Group Treasurers, Heads of M&A/Strategy, Investors relations, Corporate Bankers, Investment Bankers, Traders and Risk managers when dealing with the reality of doing business on a globalized world
During their programme, students will develop the following capabilities:
The course is full of international examples where both organizational aspects and/or economical/geopolitical aspects are looked into. Global economy and multi-cultural financial elements are embedded in this course as well as the way organizations are dealing with those aspects in their international organization.
During this course, the professor will always draw the student’s attention on the market’s practices and/or management misbehaviours that we identified as having played a role in contemporary financial crisis. Students will be encouraged to reflect upon those examples.
The course will provide the student with a deep understanding of the latest financial market practices on an international basis in international risks assessment, hedging, funding management as well as treasury matters
The student will have to combine different skills and knowledge in order to evaluate precisely the best financial strategy to pursue
Throughout the course, the student will quickly understand that he/she needs to develop a leadership style based on learning, acquiring financial skills, exchanging ideas/knowledge with key people around the globe and finally decision-making in a VUCA environment
Méthodes d'enseignement
En raison de la crise du COVID-19, les informations de cette rubrique sont particulièrement susceptibles d’être modifiées.
The methodology of this course is to combine theory and real business life experience.1) Presentation of theoretical background with reference to existing literature
2) Presentation of real-life examples and case studies leading to class discussions
3) Case study on which students will work on their own. The case study will be discussed at the beginning of each les.
-Students should attend the classes to fully benefit from the teacher’s experience and the class discussions
-Students should spend 30 minutes each week on the case study to prepare for the class discussions
-No specific homework is asked beyond that
Use of Moodle:
-Moodle will be used to communicate on administrative considerations as well as on going developments in the economic and financial markets
Modes d'évaluation
des acquis des étudiants
des acquis des étudiants
En raison de la crise du COVID-19, les informations de cette rubrique sont particulièrement susceptibles d’être modifiées.
Assessment method:
- 100% of final score for this course will be based on a written multiple choice exam (QCM) during the June regular session
Autres infos
Introduction to International Financial Management
Understanding the international environment: Country risks, Banking risk, Economical and geopolitical risks
The time value of Money – Interest rates – Bonds – Yield to Maturity - Inflation
Interest Rate Exposure Management
Foreign Exchange Exposure Management
International Trade Finance: short term and long term type transactions (financing, structuring)
International Cash Management: payments, cash pooling
International Financial Markets
- Equity Capital Markets
- Debt Capital Markets
-Bank financing
International Tax considerations and how they impact International Financial Management
Introduction to International Financial Management
Understanding the international environment: Country risks, Banking risk, Economical and geopolitical risks
The time value of Money – Interest rates – Bonds – Yield to Maturity - Inflation
Interest Rate Exposure Management
Foreign Exchange Exposure Management
International Trade Finance: short term and long term type transactions (financing, structuring)
International Cash Management: payments, cash pooling
International Financial Markets
- Equity Capital Markets
- Debt Capital Markets
-Bank financing
International Tax considerations and how they impact International Financial Management
The main material for this is a (paper) syllabus of approximately 220 slides available for printing at DUC at the beginning of the course. There is no electronic version available
The following textbook is recommended but not compulsory for students who want to have additional information
“International Financial Management, 4th Ed., Authors/ Eun / Resnick, McGraw Hill”
The following textbook is recommended but not compulsory for students who want to have additional information
“International Financial Management, 4th Ed., Authors/ Eun / Resnick, McGraw Hill”
Faculté ou entité
en charge
en charge