wfarm2515  2019-2020  Bruxelles Woluwe

Note from June 29, 2020
Although we do not yet know how long the social distancing related to the Covid-19 pandemic will last, and regardless of the changes that had to be made in the evaluation of the June 2020 session in relation to what is provided for in this learning unit description, new learnig unit evaluation methods may still be adopted by the teachers; details of these methods have been - or will be - communicated to the students by the teachers, as soon as possible.
3 credits
22.5 h
Feron Olivier; Hermans Emmanuel (coordinator); Mingeot Marie-Paule; Sonveaux Pierre;
Understanding the concepts developed in this course requires basic training in health sciences. This graduate course is therefore only accessible to students with a bachelor's degree in pharmaceutical, biomedical, medical or dental sciences, or who finalize such a bachelor's degree.
Main themes
Through the description of recent research, the functioning of certain receptors, certain enzymes, transporters are becoming better known. This makes it possible to better define their potentiality as drug targets. The course of molecular pharmacology gives the opportunity to deepen the exploration of molecular mechanisms that are involved in the responses to certain drugs. The course is structured around a few examples of pharmacological targets already exploited or not exploited to date, but promising for future developments. This is the case, for example, of membrane receptors and regulating intracellular proteins, conveyors or efflux pumps.

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 The objective of the course is to train students to understand the complexity of molecular targets used in pharmacology. This complexity constitutes a wealth in the development of drugs with better selectivity and efficiency.
The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled 'Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit'.

The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
l'essentiel des documents présentés aux cours sont accessibles sur Internet via la plateforme Moodle accessible aux membres de la communauté universitaire.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Master [120] in Pharmacy