Architectural design studio 5 : mastery

ltarc2201  2019-2020  Tournai

Architectural design studio 5 : mastery
Note from June 29, 2020
Although we do not yet know how long the social distancing related to the Covid-19 pandemic will last, and regardless of the changes that had to be made in the evaluation of the June 2020 session in relation to what is provided for in this learning unit description, new learnig unit evaluation methods may still be adopted by the teachers; details of these methods have been - or will be - communicated to the students by the teachers, as soon as possible.
10 credits
120.0 h
Fache Dimitri; Van Overstraeten Eric; Verschuere Adrien; Wilbaux Quentin;

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Main themes
An architectural project takes time.  First, repetition is needed to move forward. Second, queries and suggestions can develop during the process. Third, the more demanding the situation, the more necessary it is for the architect to clear away pre-conceived ideas to challenge paradigms.
With these three conditions, the two Master's level Architectural Design teaching units share the common objective of deepening the knowledge acquired from the Bachelor's course.
Understanding the various issues in architecture involves the use of an interdisciplinary approach with a particular emphasis on team work with peers.
The issues raised in the workshop range from regions to ergonomics, with the aim of bringing them together in an architectural project.
Students will therefore develop programmes which deal with the diversity of inhabited spaces (from individual housing to all types of collective housing) within complex regions.
LTARC2201  . Projet d’architecture 5   .  Quelle architecture concevoir dans un monde en transition?
Dimitri Fache - Quentin Wilbaux
Orientation bibliographique :
Berque, A. (2000), Ecoumène, Introduction à l’étude des milieux humains, éditions Belin.
Berque, A. (2012), Donner lieu au monde, la poétique de l’habiter, éditions Donner lieu.
Bihouix, Ph. (2014), L’âge des low tech, collection anthropocène seuil, éditions du Seuil Choay, FR. (2006), Pour une anthropologie de l’espace, éditions du Seuil.
Loubes, J.-P. (2010), Traité d’architecture sauvage, éditions du Sextant.
Magnaghi, A. (2003), Le projet local, éditions Mardaga
Rollot, M. (2018), Les territoires du vivant, Un manifese biorégionaliste, éditions François Bourin
Rosentiehl, A. (2019), Capital Agricole, Chantiers pour une ville cultivée, éditions du Pavillon de l’Arsenal
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Master [120] in Architecture (Tournai)