Introduction to research

ltarc2130  2018-2019  Tournai

Introduction to research
3 credits
30.0 h
Pouillon Henry (compensates Salembier Chloé); Salembier Chloé; Wilbaux Quentin (compensates Bolle Caroline);
Main themes
This teaching unit introduces students to the issues involved in academic research, its methodology or methodologies and to the creation of a research project linked to an architectural project which leads to the formulation of a personal topic:
  • to provide students with an introduction on how to put together a research project
  • to learn how to define an issue, a research subject, the state of knowledge in the field, a methodology or an objective in terms of the result.

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :


Specific learning outcomes:

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • write a piece of academic work, with the particular ability to use appropriate databases in architecture and follow the rules for quoting bibliographic references (presentation of academic texts, concepts of copyright and plagiarism, choice of vocabulary, academic style).
  • explore the basic principles and/or contemporary issues in architecture by analysing texts written by architects, historians or  theoreticians, critics and experts.
  • be familiar with the different approaches or research methods with a strategic aim (stages, planning, drafting plan, the different parts of a dissertation).
  • maintain a thoughtful and critical approach to formalise their working hypotheses.
  • ensure that the topic of the dissertation is particularly on and about 'architecture, by formulating an argument which shows awareness of the terminology and can lead to an architectural project at the end of the Master¿s course.

Contribution to the learning outcomes reference network:

Design a project

  • Adopt approaches which are methodical, creative, metaphorical, perceptive, collaborative etc.

Build knowledge of architecture

  • Be able to use given references which, by analogy, can lead to other interpretations of the context

Make use of other subjects

  • Seek out other approaches, exchanges of views and ways of enhancing thinking about architecture

Express an architectural procedure

  • Identify the founding elements of a hypothesis or a proposal to express and communicate them
  • Express ideas clearly in oral, graphic and written form

Adopt a professional attitude

  • Organise, plan, develop and bring together the different strands of individual or collective work




The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
The Learning Unit alternates theory and research practice through a series of thematic sessions.
1. Workshops
Each workshop begins with a lecture from a student freshly graduated with a brilliant thesis. Following this, discussion groups of 4/5 students are formed to investigate their own research around a specific medium. :
  • research through images
  • research through words
  • research through questioning
  • research through case study.
2. Courses
Each course begins with the presentation of the subject matter by teachers and continues with an exercise that asks the student to apply it to his own work.
  • understand the thesis issues
  • choose a workshop adapted to a specific subject/path/approach
  • develop scientific thinking (problems, questions, perspectives)
  • create reading records, bibliographies, figures appropriately credited.
3. Presentations
Each student presents the current state of his research :
  • formulate the main question in a clear and pertinent manner (state of the art)
  • propose a work schedule (introduction, development, conclusions and perspectives)
  • choose one's sources.
Teaching methods
Courses and exercises, lectures and workshops
Evaluation methods
Collectif, Recherche architecturale urbaine et paysagère. Vers un doctorat en architecture, Paris, ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, 2005.
Collectif, Chercher sa recherche, les pratiques et perspectives de la recherche en école supérieure d'art, Nancy, Presses universitaires de Nancy, 2012.
Collectif, L'artiste, un chercheur pas comme les autres, Hermès, La Revue 2/2015 (n° 72).
Dautrey, J., La Recherche en art(s), Paris, éditions MF, 2010.
Eco Umberto, Comment écrire sa thèse (traduit de l'italien par Laurent Cantagrel), Flammarion, Paris, 2016 (édition originale : come si fa una tesi di laurea ?, RCS Libri, S.p.A, Milan, 1977-2015)
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Master [120] in Architecture (Tournai)