
lpsp2312  2018-2019  Louvain-la-Neuve

2 credits
15.0 h
Papadimitriou Pascalia; Vandercammen Dominique;
Main themes
We will explore the various aspects of teaching / learning situations to help students to be able to describe and to understand what happened during their training exercises.

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :


·         Acting professionalgestures

·         Finding the meansto manage the teaching-learning situations relying on his/her practical and theoretical knowledge

·         Developing professionalpostures from explicit choices

·         Describing and understanding theteaching-learning situations by focusing on teacher-learner interactions

·         Becoming areflexiveprofessional

·         Recognizing his/herown experience.


The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
·         (Time 1). Each student will have the opportunity to assume the teacher's reality through an exercise performed in front of a small group of students (10-15 students, each student endorsing different roles, namely those of teacher and pupil). Three instructions will be given: select a training activity relative to his initial disciplinary training, limit his intervention in time (15 minutes) and care about the pupil 's motivation.
·         (Time 2). Students (pupilsand teacher) and teachers exchange about their own teaching / learning situation's observations. It will be a verbalization of the action according to Vermersch's definition (1994) (2). All the group teacher-learner's actors will be requested to do it. This is an opportunity to question the emerging professional practices and build a framework that integrates them. This space is clearly "secure" in the sense in which Rogers conceives it (13) : with congruence, empathy and unconditional positive acceptance supporting the actualizing tendency of every person.
·         (Time 3). The video sequences will allow each student, accompanied by the teachers, to watch the exercise and analyze the teaching-learning situation as time and place of a teacher / student interaction. This will be an opportunity to work from a model highlighting the importance of alignment teacher-student (3) and motivation (4 and 5). Our research - that has creative space and time for play (6 and 7), implicit and explicit conceptions of the student (8), the body (9) and the affects (10) as its subject - will help us to guide the students.
(Time 4). Each student will prepare a written report. It will consist of a narrative experience - experience according to Dewey's definition (1968) (11) - (Cifali and Andrew, 2007) (12) based on the exercises performed, distinguishing the three training stages (items 1, 2 and 3). The student will choose some scientific references to put into perspective the experience of the exercises,  accompanied by personal notes, sketches, comments, metaphors etc. gathered over the courses.
Evaluation methods
The nature of this course consists of formative assessments. These are supporting students' initiative (1) (students considered as 'emerging teachers'). At the end of the course, summativeassessment will take place in the form of a discussion.
Other information
The course is held in fairly small groups (10 - 15 students)
Teachers are available during their working time or by appointment and e-mail.
(1) Ricoeur, P. (1986). Du texte à l'action. Essais d'herméneutique II. Paris : Le Seuil.
(2) Vermersch, P. (1994). L'entretien d'explicitation en formation initiale et continue. Paris : ESF
(3) Lagase-Vandercammen, D & Charlier, B. (2016). Fonctions d'aide à l'apprentissage : analyse de la variabilité des perceptions d'étudiant-es de l'enseignement supérieur. Revue Education et Formation, 304 (2), pp. 7-21.
(4) Vandercammen, D. (2010). Dynamique du projet personnel en contexte de formation. Approches socio-cognitiviste et psychanalytique. Thèse de doctorat inédite, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-La-Neuve.
(5)Lagase-Vandercammen, D. & Boutinet, J.-P. (2014). Les conditions d'émergence du projet personnel de l'étudiant au sein des situations d'apprentissage formel. Revue internationale de pédagogie de l'enseignement supérieur, 30, pp. 2-18.
(6) Lagase-Vandercammen, D. (2013). Formation en économie : l'expérience culturelle entre destruction et création. Cahiers de psychologie clinique, 41 (2), pp. 137-154.
(7) Lagase-Vandercammen, D. (2015). Une clinique enseignante avec du silence et du vide. In Cifali, M., Giust-Desprairies, F. & Périlleux, T., Processus de création et processus cliniques. Paris : PUF.
(8) Lagase-Vandercammen, D. (2014). Les figures de l'étudiant dans nos sociétés néo-libérales valorisant les projets individuels. Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques, 45 (1), pp. 103-125.
(9) Lagase-Vandercammen, D. (2017, à paraître). Les déclinaisons du corps dans l'espace-temps d'un cours. Clinique et changement social. Paris : L'Harmattan.
(10) Lagase-Vandercammen, D. (Juillet 2017). Communication à l'occasion du symposium des rencontres internationales du réseau de recherche en éducation et formation portant sur l'évolution de l'affect dans les pratiques professionnelles, la formation et la recherche : positionnements cliniques : « Avec des espaces/temps de je(ux) et d'affects, la classe virtuelle constitue une opportunité pour l'enseignement d'une économie vivante ».
(11) Dewey, J. (1968). Expérience et éducation.Paris : Armand Colin.
(12) Cifali, M. et André, A (2007). Ecrire l'expérience. Vers la reconnaissance des pratiques professionnelles. Paris : Presses Universitaires de France.
(13) Rogers, C. R. (1963). The Actualizing Tendency in Relation to « Motives » and to Consciousness. In M.R. Jones Marshall (Ed.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. Lincoln, NE : University of Nebraska Press, , pp.1-24.
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Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Psychology and Education