4 credits
22.5 h
Rihoux Benoît;
Main themes
1. Social movements: classic studies
" analysis of the "crowd" and "calamities"/disasters/lynch mobs?
" definitions and typologies
" the organisation of social movements
" militancy
2. Social movements: recent developments
" the "new social movements"
" new phenomena: the "white movement", the alterglobalist movement etc: a new "new social unrest"?
" new forms of militancy
3. The political parties: review
" Definition (s) (review and expansion)
" Typologies, classifications (review and expansion)
4. The political parties: recent developments
" Recent developments - various theses
" Partisan organisations: developments/transformations
" The end of the political parties?
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | This course expands on the Political Science (I) course: it studies in greater detail the analysis of civil society (introduced in the Political Science (I) course), and more particularly the two principal collective bodies at work in civil society: social movements and political parties. As such, the course complements the Political Science (II) course, a comparative analysis of institutions and political regimes. The course has two objectives: " Globally, to help students to develop an analytical capability and a capacity for personal reflection supported by a theoretical and conceptual apparatus (going beyond superficial observation and simple description); " To help students gain a better understanding of the current socio-political climate and developments in "civil society" in Western societies. |
The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
Methods The course is given principally in the form of lectures, with a small number of interactive sessions (debates, contributions from students in sub-groups, with possible participation of outside contributor).
Bibliographie provisoire:
De Winter L and Van Wynsberghe C, 'Kingdom of Belgium: Partitocracy, Corporatist Society, and Dissociative Federalism' in Wolfgang Renzsch, Klaus Detterbeck and John Kincaid (eds), Political parties and civil society in federal countries (Oxford University Press 2015)
Fillieule O and Mayer N, ''Devenirs militants' Introduction' (2011) 51 Revue française de science politique 19
Lagroye J, François B and Sawicki F, Sociologie politique (Presses de Sciences po': Dalloz 2012)
Manin B, Principes du gouvernement représentatif (Flammarion 1996)
Mayer N, 'Qui vote pour qui et pourquoi'?: Les modèles explicatifs du choix électoral' (2007) 120 Pouvoirs 17
'', Sociologie des comportements politiques (A Colin 2010)
Muxel A, 'L'abstention': déficit démocratique ou vitalité politique'?' (2007) 120 Pouvoirs 43
'', 'La participation électorale': un déficit inégalé' (2009) 16 Revue internationale de politique comparée 569
Vandaele K and Hooghe M, 'L'appel de la voie communautaire: syndicats, organisations patronales et nouveaux mouvements sociaux dans une Belgique redimensionnée' in Régis Dandoy, Geoffroy Matagne and Caroline Van Wynsberghe (eds), Le fédéralisme belge. Enjeux institutionnels, acteurs socio-politiques et opinions publiques (Academia-L'Harmattan 2013)
De Winter L and Van Wynsberghe C, 'Kingdom of Belgium: Partitocracy, Corporatist Society, and Dissociative Federalism' in Wolfgang Renzsch, Klaus Detterbeck and John Kincaid (eds), Political parties and civil society in federal countries (Oxford University Press 2015)
Fillieule O and Mayer N, ''Devenirs militants' Introduction' (2011) 51 Revue française de science politique 19
Lagroye J, François B and Sawicki F, Sociologie politique (Presses de Sciences po': Dalloz 2012)
Manin B, Principes du gouvernement représentatif (Flammarion 1996)
Mayer N, 'Qui vote pour qui et pourquoi'?: Les modèles explicatifs du choix électoral' (2007) 120 Pouvoirs 17
'', Sociologie des comportements politiques (A Colin 2010)
Muxel A, 'L'abstention': déficit démocratique ou vitalité politique'?' (2007) 120 Pouvoirs 43
'', 'La participation électorale': un déficit inégalé' (2009) 16 Revue internationale de politique comparée 569
Vandaele K and Hooghe M, 'L'appel de la voie communautaire: syndicats, organisations patronales et nouveaux mouvements sociaux dans une Belgique redimensionnée' in Régis Dandoy, Geoffroy Matagne and Caroline Van Wynsberghe (eds), Le fédéralisme belge. Enjeux institutionnels, acteurs socio-politiques et opinions publiques (Academia-L'Harmattan 2013)
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Master [120] in Environmental Science and Management
Bachelor in Sociology and Anthropology
Bachelor in Political Sciences: General
Bachelor in Human and Social Sciences
Minor in Political Sciences