Language, Culture, Translation and Interpreting - German

llsti2110  2018-2019  Louvain-la-Neuve

Language, Culture, Translation and Interpreting - German
4 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
Etienne Dany coordinator; Gallez Françoise;
This course is made up of two parts. One part focuses on various topics related to the German Culture, Language and Politics. The aim being to allow future translators to better understand today's Germany and to be able to translate implicit and explicit cultural or political references as well as any other specific aspect related to the German society.

In order to allow students to improve their communication skills in German, the practical part of the course will draw the students' attention to specific linguistic features of the German language in a contrastive approach. Moreover, the active students' participation will be fostered through oral presentations. They will be based on papers developing topics related to the other part of the course.
Numerous examples, feedback or idioms/phrases/expressions will be given to help students improve their communicative skills in German.

Teaching methods
Face to face teaching based on students' active participation.
Evaluation methods
Formative assessment and exam

During the course, students will be given at least one opportunity to make an oral presentation in front of the group. The feedback that will be provided is intended to help the students prepare for the exam.
The exam will consist of two parts. The 'culture' part is an oral exam during which the student develops one of the topics dealt with in class. Content, presentation skills and ppt will be taken into consideration.
The 'language' part will be assessed both during a continuous assessment as well as at the oral exam. Written and oral skills (presentation skills, interactive skills, writing of different text types, etc) will be assessed.
Practical details such as length, presentation and so on will be communicated for both parts of the course in due time on Moodle.
The criteria taken into consideration are language (register, style, syntax, vocabulary, etc) and content. Both, language and content, refer to aspects developed during the course. Language and content ('culture') each represent 50% of the final mark. However, should the result for the 'language' part turn out to be largely insufficient (35% or less), the global result for this course will be a fail grade. Indeed, content can't be communicated efficiently and successfully if the language competence is that insufficient.
In August the exam will be organized as follows:
'Culture' part: oral presentation developping one of the topics dealt with in class (content, presentation skills and ppt, see above)
'Language' part: written paper + oral exam
Other information
Documents on Moodle
Online resources
Albrecht, Jörn (2005), Übersetzung und Linguistik. Tübingen: Narr.
Fandrych, Christian (Hrsg.) (2012): Klipp und Klar. Übungsgrammatik für die
Mittelstufe B2/C1. Stuttgart: Klett.
Henschelmann, Käthe (1999). Problembewusstes Übersetzen Französisch-Deutsch.
Tübingen: Narr Studienbücher. ISBN: 978-3-8233-4969-3
Hohmann, Heinz-Otto (2006). Discuter en français. Französisch-deutsche
Diskussionswendungen mit Anwendungsbeispielen. Stuttgart: Reclam.
Strank, Wiebke (2010): Da fehlen mir die Worte. Leipzig: Schubert-Verlag. ISBN 978-
Turtur, Ursula (2006) Übungen zum Wortschatz der deutschen Schriftsprache. Meckenheim: Liebaug-Dartmann. ISBN: 978-3-922989-61-5.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Master [120] in Interpreting

Master [120] in Translation