Change Management (in French)

llsmf2007  2018-2019  Louvain-la-Neuve

Change Management (in French)
5 credits
30.0 h
Guilmot Nathalie; Vas Alain;
Give students the possibility to learn how to manage organizational change taking a systemic approach. More specifically, the student will have to: 1) analyze the organizational change context relying on internal and external theoretical models; 2) Understand the organizational change process and the roles of actors at different levels of the organization; 3) Describe and explain the steps to lead an organizational change; 4) Go on the field to understand the empirical difficulties of such a complex process.
  • Organizational readiness for change
  • Organizational diagnostic models
  • Change agenda implementation
  • Monitoring change models
  • Management of permanent change
Teaching methods
Lecture + Case studies + Group discussions + Group project + corporate speakers
Evaluation methods
Coutinuous evaluation (group project to be done by December 13 and oral presentation on December 20th ) and Written Exam in session (open questions)
Continuous evaluation = 50% & Written exam= 50% 
For the second session, the written exam is replaced by an oral exam. 
Other information
Active participation expected during the course
Online resources
Slides provided through Moodle 
Ouvrages de référence :
Collerette, P., Lauzier, M. & Schneider, R., (2013), Le pilotage du changement, Presses Université du Quebec
Autissier, D., Vandandeon-Derumez, I., & Vas A., (2014), Conduite du changement : concepts-clés, Editions Dunod
Autissier, D., & Moutot, J-M, (2013), La boite à outils de la conduite du changement, Editons Dunod
Autissier, D., & Moutot, J-M, (2015), Le changement agile : se transformer rapidement et durablement, Editions Dunod
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Master [60] in Management

Master [120] in Management

Master [120] in Management