Consecutive interpreting techniques Dutch > French

lintp2330  2018-2019  Louvain-la-Neuve

Consecutive interpreting techniques Dutch > French
4 credits
0 h + 45.0 h
Colson Jean-Pierre coordinator; Van Cleven Johan;
  • Proficiency in Language A (mother tongue or acquired target language: French);
Good comprehension (level C2) of Language C (Dutch)
Based on the teaching unit on Founding Principles, this Unit aims at giving the first run of the ladder on consecutive interpretation from Dutch  into French. The student will be given advice on how to develop and master  an efficient though personnal system for note-taking dedicated to consecutive between Dutch and French. He/She will get acquainted to consecutive and practise in the classroom activities with speeches on diverse societal issues and issues of topicality of increasing lengths and difficulties. The exercices will enable the student to improve his/her understanding of spoken Dutch at enhanced pace and register and address  subject-matters linked to the society and the on-going news in Dutch-speaking countries.
Teaching methods
Class-room activities
This teaching unit aims at enabling the student to use, train and improve the note-taking skills through practical exercices appraised by the teacher during the classroom activity.
Special attention is given to the following objectives : enabling the student to develop analytical method to capture the depth of the speech so as to grasp its structure & linking words , to distinguish essential from non-essential content, to reproduce the speech as fully understood in a consistent and structured delivery in a perfect French that will be  accurate and fluent, as well as suitable with the Dutch register used by the speaker

Evaluation methods
On-going appraisal and final assessment
Other information
Online resources
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Master [120] in Interpreting