5 credits
22.5 h
This biannual learning unit is not being organized in 2018-2019 !
Main themes
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During the academic year 2017-2018, the course will be devoted to the grain trade in Athens, from the archaic period to the end of the 4th century B.C.
Grain was the basic food of the whole humanity during antiquity, but its supply received particular attention in classical Athens, because Attica was far from producing enough food for its entire population. In those circumstances, it thus not surprising that grain trade was the best-documented commercial activity in Athens.
The course is divided in three parts. The first deals with the parameters determining the degree of the Athenian dependency on imported grain: size of the population, productivity of the Attic soil, but also the particular organization of the Athenian rural economy, called oikonomia attikè by Aristotle, which was more largely turned to the market than in any other Greek city, and that implied to favour crops of high cash value.
The second part goes into the grain trade world of the 4th century B.C., largely exploiting the forensic speeches of the Attic orators. We will be dealing then with vessels, commercial routes, traders and others people involved in grain trade (as lenders or shipowners), as well as the rules created by the Athenian state to regulate it. We will also be insisting on the existence of two distinct supply channels: one organized and regulated by the state; the other left to private traders.
The last part deals with grain trade during the archaic period and the 5th century B.C., for which we have far less information. It is generally assumed that the situation was similar to that of the following century. However, when comparisons are possible, a totally different situation is emerging.
Grain was the basic food of the whole humanity during antiquity, but its supply received particular attention in classical Athens, because Attica was far from producing enough food for its entire population. In those circumstances, it thus not surprising that grain trade was the best-documented commercial activity in Athens.
The course is divided in three parts. The first deals with the parameters determining the degree of the Athenian dependency on imported grain: size of the population, productivity of the Attic soil, but also the particular organization of the Athenian rural economy, called oikonomia attikè by Aristotle, which was more largely turned to the market than in any other Greek city, and that implied to favour crops of high cash value.
The second part goes into the grain trade world of the 4th century B.C., largely exploiting the forensic speeches of the Attic orators. We will be dealing then with vessels, commercial routes, traders and others people involved in grain trade (as lenders or shipowners), as well as the rules created by the Athenian state to regulate it. We will also be insisting on the existence of two distinct supply channels: one organized and regulated by the state; the other left to private traders.
The last part deals with grain trade during the archaic period and the 5th century B.C., for which we have far less information. It is generally assumed that the situation was similar to that of the following century. However, when comparisons are possible, a totally different situation is emerging.
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