ldemo2630  2018-2019  Louvain-la-Neuve

4 credits
20.0 h
Nappa Usatu Jocelyn (compensates Schoumaker Bruno); Schoumaker Bruno;
The course is structured around 11 themes:
  • Installing Stata and getting started with the software: windows, do-file, browser
  • Data types in Stata and data import in various formats
  • Variable format and labels
  • Variable creation and recoding
  • Using basic commands
  • Data manipulation
  • Creating graphs
  • Merging and appending data files
  • Descriptive analysis: measures of central tendency and dispersion
  • Basic statistical inference: Chi-square and t-tests.
Teaching methods
All lessons are organized in a computer room and mix presentations and practical applications on real data. The courses are organized in the first weeks of the first quadrimester. Practical exercises are planned after each session to apply the procedures on data and to check the assimilation of concepts and tools.
Evaluation methods
January session
The evaluation takes the form of a written exam in a computer room, based on the use of survey data with the Stata software.
September session
Same type of exam as in January.
Online resources
  • Acock, Alan C. (2018), A Gentle Introduction to Stata (6th Edition), Stata Press, College Station.
  • Acock, Alan C. (2018), A Gentle Introduction to Stata (6th Edition), Stata Press, College Station.
Acock, Alan C. (2018), A Gentle Introduction to Stata (6th Edition), Stata Press, College Station.
Teaching materials
  • Acock, Alan C. (2018), A Gentle Introduction to Stata (6th Edition), Stata Press, College Station.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Master [120] in Population and Development Studies