6 credits
The following BNEN courses are a prerequisite
· Nuclear Energy: Introduction
· Introduction to Nuclear Physics and Measurements
Mathematics (differential equations, taylor expansions, fourier expansions, bessel functions)
· Nuclear Energy: Introduction
· Introduction to Nuclear Physics and Measurements
Mathematics (differential equations, taylor expansions, fourier expansions, bessel functions)
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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- number of dimensions; - steady state or transient; - number of groups; - delayed neutron precursors; - space dependent properties.
The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
- Physics of nuclear reactors
- Transport and diffusion
- Spatial dependence
- Slowing down theory
- Resonance integrals
- Cell calculations
- Neutron thermalisation
- Multigroup equations
- Criticality dependence on geometry and composition
- Reactivity and control
- Reactor dynamics
- Reactor codes
- Neutron sources and detectors
- Basic measurements: source strength, neutron flux (activation analysis, neutron counting), neutron spectrum reaction rates
- Activity, dose and cross-section measurement
- Measurement of neutron transport parameters: stationary methods, pulsed neutron experiments
- Measurement of reactivity (and reactivity coefficients): survey, static methods, dynamic measurements, inverse kinetics, neutron noise fluctuation methods
Evaluation methods
Written examination, open book.
Other information
This course is part of the Advanced Master programme in nuclear engineering organized by the Belgian Nuclear Higher Education Network (BNEN). BNEN is organised through a consortium of six Belgian universities and the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, SCK-CEN and takes place at the SCK-CEN in Mol.
Information : https://www.sckcen.be/fbnen
Information : https://www.sckcen.be/fbnen
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Specialised master in nuclear engineering