3 credits
22.0 h + 10.0 h
Draye Xavier coordinator; Govaerts Bernadette;
Introduction to probability and statistics (typ. courses LBIR1203 and LBIR1204)
Main themes
Quantitative data analysis methods in bioengineering ' Variance analysis with one and more classification factors, crossed or nested ' Generalised linear models (classification and regression factors) ' Random effect and mixed models ' Least square and maximum likelihood methods ' Analysis of categorical datas
Table of content
Models for a quantitative response and one fixed factor
' Linear model with one quantitative factor
' Polynomial and non linear model
' Variance analysis with one fixed factor
Linear models for one quantitative response and two fixed factors
' Variance analysis with two crossed fixed factors
' Multiple linear regression
' Covariancer analysis and general linear model
Variance components models
' Variance analysis with one random factor
' Estimation of random effects and variance components
Mixed linear models
' Formulation of random effects and structure of the covariance matrix
' Analysis of common mixed models in biology (genetics, experimental design)
' Analysis of longitudinal data
' Covariance analysis in mixed models
Models for categorical data (not included in LBIRA2101A)
' Contingency tables
' Logistic regression
' Generalised linear models
Models for a quantitative response and one fixed factor
' Linear model with one quantitative factor
' Polynomial and non linear model
' Variance analysis with one fixed factor
Linear models for one quantitative response and two fixed factors
' Variance analysis with two crossed fixed factors
' Multiple linear regression
' Covariancer analysis and general linear model
Variance components models
' Variance analysis with one random factor
' Estimation of random effects and variance components
Mixed linear models
' Formulation of random effects and structure of the covariance matrix
' Analysis of common mixed models in biology (genetics, experimental design)
' Analysis of longitudinal data
' Covariance analysis in mixed models
Models for categorical data (not included in LBIRA2101A)
' Contingency tables
' Logistic regression
' Generalised linear models
Teaching methods
Course in auditorium
Introduction course to data importation in SAS
Practical courses prepared by the students, with a test half way during the semester
Introduction course to data importation in SAS
Practical courses prepared by the students, with a test half way during the semester
Evaluation methods
Written exam with methodological questions and exercices méthodologiques, case studies, SAS code writing. Allowed material: 20 pages summary (10 pages resto/verso).
Other information
This course can be given in English.
Online resources
Documentation obligatoire disponible sur Moodle
- Transparents de théorie et d'exemples liés au cours
- Enoncés d'exercices
- Formulaire
- Transparents de théorie et d'exemples liés au cours
- Enoncés d'exercices
- Formulaire
Documentation facultative disponible sur Moddle
- Documentation SAS/STAT (PROC GLM et PROC MIXED)
- Documentation SAS/STAT (PROC GLM et PROC MIXED)
Faculty or entity