5 credits
22.5 h
Mazzocchetti Jacinthe; Mesturini Silvia (compensates Vuillemenot Anne-Marie); Vuillemenot Anne-Marie;
The teaching activity shall be organized in the form of a seminar conceived as a support to the exercise of ethnographical writing. It will be organized in three sessions of 5 hours, each one of them exploring progressively the steps of the writing process.
1° Coming back from the field
2° The emergence of analysis issues
3° Writing matters
The seminar will be interactive and participatory and will be supported by the collective sharing of each students's post-fieldresearch difficulties and challenges.
1° Coming back from the field
2° The emergence of analysis issues
3° Writing matters
The seminar will be interactive and participatory and will be supported by the collective sharing of each students's post-fieldresearch difficulties and challenges.
- Le support principal du séminaire sera le matériel ethnographique et les exercices d'écriture issus des terrains des étudiants.
- Des lectures préalables seront également envisagées.
Teaching materials
- Le support principal du séminaire sera le matériel ethnographique et les exercices d'écriture issus des terrains des étudiants.
- Des lectures préalables seront également envisagées.
Faculty or entity