5 credits
54.0 h + 10.0 h
Balligand Jean-Luc; Bulpa Pierre; Coche Emmanuel; Collard Philippe; Eucher Philippe; Ghaye Benoît; Hoton Delphine; Liistro Giuseppe; Ocak Sebahat; Pilette Charles; Sibille Yves coordinator;
The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
General pathophysiology of the respiratory system. Knowledge of its great pathological syndromes. Semiology of the patient suffering from respiratory symptoms: interrogation and the clinical exam. and the respiratory specific, radiologic, biologic, anatomopathologic and functional examinations. Description then of the great groups of respiratory diseases and the manner of approaching them starting from the previously described data: infections, obstructive and restrictive disorders, cancer, mediastinal pathology, pulmonary vascular diseases, occupational diseases, acute respiratory insufficiency, sleep disorders, respiratory diseases in children, surgery, pleural diseases, ventilatory assistance, pharmacology of medications with respiratory aiming.
Teaching methods
Magisterial and clinical lectures. Convenient demonstrations by clinical courtships, convenient seminars and demonstrations in radiology and anatomopathology. Audio-visual support during the lectures and on I campus.
Evaluation methods
Mode of evaluation: examinations by simple multiple choice for knowledge and “rich» MC for the integration of the matter.
- SYLLABUS de PNEUMOLOGIE (L. Delaunois et Y. Sibille) CIB 2011.
- CAMUS P. : Pneumo clinique "cas pour cas", Margaux-Orange, 1999, 465 pp
- AUBIER M., CRESTANI B. FOURNIER M., MAL H. : Traité de Pneumologie. 2° Edition. Médecine-Sciences-Flammarion, Paris, 2009, 1084 pp.
- DAUTZENBERG B.: Pneumologie. Collection Intermed, Doin éd. , 2001, 384pp.
- HOUSSET Bruno: Abrégé de Pneumologie, 2° édit. , Masson éd, 2003,473 pp.
- ALBERT R, SPIRO S, JETT J.: Clinical respiratory medicine. 3° Ed., Mosby/Elsevier Editor, 2008, 1010 pp.
- GIBSON et al.: Evidenced based respiratory medicine 3 ° Ed. 2007. Blackwell éd. 593 pp. livre actualisé sur le site www.evidbasedrespiratorymed.com
Faculty or entity