5 credits
15.0 h + 15.0 h
Pasquier Christine;
Main themes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
Multi-objective translation project concerning a question of geopolitics/geostrategy in which the Russian Federation is actively involved as a subject of international law (e.g. the Artic question).
Teaching methods
The training methodology of this seminar consists of a multi-objective professionally oriented translation project (terms and specifications to be met, translator's professional code of ethics, work organization, etc.).
Step 1. Documentary research applied to translation (accuracy, validity and reliability of sources) leading to the writing of a summary report (or a summary translation) in order to make sure the student gets acquainted with the subject.
Step 2. Analytical reading of the source text and identification of possible terminology and/or discourse difficulties.
Step 3. Bilingual texts corpus building (mainly UN reference texts), text align with translation memories, corpus-based terminology and phraseology/collocation extraction.
Step 4. Translation of the source texts using the most appropriate CAT-tools.
Step 5. Harmonization of the target text and validation of the translation (by means of self-revision and cross-revision).
Step 1. Documentary research applied to translation (accuracy, validity and reliability of sources) leading to the writing of a summary report (or a summary translation) in order to make sure the student gets acquainted with the subject.
Step 2. Analytical reading of the source text and identification of possible terminology and/or discourse difficulties.
Step 3. Bilingual texts corpus building (mainly UN reference texts), text align with translation memories, corpus-based terminology and phraseology/collocation extraction.
Step 4. Translation of the source texts using the most appropriate CAT-tools.
Step 5. Harmonization of the target text and validation of the translation (by means of self-revision and cross-revision).
Evaluation methods
The first session (end of semester) overall evaluation covers the student's work accomplished during the translation seminar.
The student will demonstrate his or her professional skills and knowledge by abiding by the terms and specifications of the translation project he or she will be submitted to, not only in terms of quality of the « final product », but also in terms of how the methodology used (appropriate approach towards the translation process, appropriate use of CAT-tools) meets the objectives in every single required « tasks » (summary report of French specialized corpus documents, summary translation of Russian specialized corpus documents, self-revision and/or cross-revision, full translation of specialized texts, etc.).
The following criteria will also be taken into account: formal presentation requirements, deadlines, translator's professional code of ethics.
The student's presence is requested at all in-situ training sessions of the translation workshop.
The final evaluation of the translation workshop may be completed or replaced by an in-situ 4-hour translation exam to be completed in the working conditions of a professional translator's workstation during the official examination session, under the same conditions as for the second session (September session).
The second session (September session) overall evaluation consists of an in-situ 4-hour translation exam in the working conditions of a professional translator's workstation. The student will be given a text directly related to the special field of study of the semester, as well as other related tasks to complete in accordance with the specifications.
The student will demonstrate his or her professional skills and knowledge by abiding by the terms and specifications of the translation project he or she will be submitted to, not only in terms of quality of the « final product », but also in terms of how the methodology used (appropriate approach towards the translation process, appropriate use of CAT-tools) meets the objectives in every single required « tasks » (summary report of French specialized corpus documents, summary translation of Russian specialized corpus documents, self-revision and/or cross-revision, full translation of specialized texts, etc.).
The following criteria will also be taken into account: formal presentation requirements, deadlines, translator's professional code of ethics.
The student's presence is requested at all in-situ training sessions of the translation workshop.
The final evaluation of the translation workshop may be completed or replaced by an in-situ 4-hour translation exam to be completed in the working conditions of a professional translator's workstation during the official examination session, under the same conditions as for the second session (September session).
The second session (September session) overall evaluation consists of an in-situ 4-hour translation exam in the working conditions of a professional translator's workstation. The student will be given a text directly related to the special field of study of the semester, as well as other related tasks to complete in accordance with the specifications.
Other information
Online resources
Bibliographie générale sur la géopolitique de la Russie :
MARCHAND, Pascal.- Atlas géopolitique de la Russie. Puissance d'hier, puissance de demain ?.- Paris : Éditions Autrement, 2007 [Collection « Atlas / Monde »].
MARCHAND, Pascal.- Atlas géopolitique de la Russie. La puissance retrouvée.- Paris : Éditions Autrement, 2012 [Collection « Atlas / Monde ». Nouvelle édition augmentée].
MARCHAND, Pascal.- Géopolitique de la Russie. Une nouvelle puissance en Eurasie.- Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 2014 [Collection « Major »].
MARCHAND, Pascal.- Atlas géopolitique de la Russie. Le grand retour sur la scène internationale.- Paris : Éditions Autrement, 2015 [Collection « Atlas / Monde »].
Bibliographie spécifique sur la géopolitique des mers et des océans :
« Géopolitique et géostratégie des mers et des océans ».- Dans : Diplomatie, Affaires stratégiques et relations internationales, hors-série n°13 (août-septembre 2010).
"Mers et océans. Géopolitique & Géostratégie".- Dans : Diplomatie GD, Affaires stratégiques et relations internationales, Les grands dossiers n°46 (août-septembre 2018).
MONOT, Alexandra, et PARIS, Frank.- Géographie des mers et des océans.- Bréal, juillet 2018, 250 p.
ORTOLLAND, Didier, et PIRAT, Jean-Pierre.- Atlas géopolitique des espaces maritimes. Frontières, énergie, transports, piraterie, pêche et environnement.- Paris : Editions TECHNIP, 2010 (2e édition revue et augmentée).
Bibliographie spécifique sur la géopolitique de l'Arctique :
« Géopolitique du Grand Nord. Le Continent arctique ».- Dans : CARTO. Le monde des cartes, n°26 (novembre-décembre 2014), p. 12-24.
LASSERRE, Frédéric (sous la direction de).- Passages et mers arctiques. Géopolitique d'une région en mutation.- Québec : Presses de l'université du Québec, 2010.
MARCHAND, Pascal.- Atlas géopolitique de la Russie. Puissance d'hier, puissance de demain ?.- Paris : Éditions Autrement, 2007 [Collection « Atlas / Monde »].
MARCHAND, Pascal.- Atlas géopolitique de la Russie. La puissance retrouvée.- Paris : Éditions Autrement, 2012 [Collection « Atlas / Monde ». Nouvelle édition augmentée].
MARCHAND, Pascal.- Géopolitique de la Russie. Une nouvelle puissance en Eurasie.- Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 2014 [Collection « Major »].
MARCHAND, Pascal.- Atlas géopolitique de la Russie. Le grand retour sur la scène internationale.- Paris : Éditions Autrement, 2015 [Collection « Atlas / Monde »].
Bibliographie spécifique sur la géopolitique des mers et des océans :
« Géopolitique et géostratégie des mers et des océans ».- Dans : Diplomatie, Affaires stratégiques et relations internationales, hors-série n°13 (août-septembre 2010).
"Mers et océans. Géopolitique & Géostratégie".- Dans : Diplomatie GD, Affaires stratégiques et relations internationales, Les grands dossiers n°46 (août-septembre 2018).
MONOT, Alexandra, et PARIS, Frank.- Géographie des mers et des océans.- Bréal, juillet 2018, 250 p.
ORTOLLAND, Didier, et PIRAT, Jean-Pierre.- Atlas géopolitique des espaces maritimes. Frontières, énergie, transports, piraterie, pêche et environnement.- Paris : Editions TECHNIP, 2010 (2e édition revue et augmentée).
Bibliographie spécifique sur la géopolitique de l'Arctique :
« Géopolitique du Grand Nord. Le Continent arctique ».- Dans : CARTO. Le monde des cartes, n°26 (novembre-décembre 2014), p. 12-24.
LASSERRE, Frédéric (sous la direction de).- Passages et mers arctiques. Géopolitique d'une région en mutation.- Québec : Presses de l'université du Québec, 2010.
Faculty or entity