Sociology of Education and Training

lsoc2035  2018-2019  Louvain-la-Neuve

Sociology of Education and Training
5 credits
30.0 h
Draelants Hugues;
Main themes
The social classes and the school (working classes, middle and upper classes); unlikely school trajectories (exceptions conducing to non-reproduction) ; the effects of the schooling context (schools, classes, peers); juvenile cultures; gender and education; ethno-racial inequalities; sociology of curriculum; the question of intelligence. The issue of educational inequalities will be the thread through which all these issues will be addressed.

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :


The course aims to develop the following knowledge and skills: - Introduce to the main concepts and theories of the sociology of education and training - Understand the production processes of social inequalities in education and training - Develop an analytical capacity of the main components of the educational systems: State and educational policies, establishment, teachers, families, students - Show the contribution of sociological analysis to the illumination of the issues of education and training today.


The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
The course aims to introduce students to the sociology of education. It will combine masterful lecture by the professor and analysis of scientific articles reporting recent research in the field, presented by the students. The first sessions will be dedicated to the presentation of the major contributions of the sociology of education as well as the presentation of the theoretical and methodological evolutions of the discipline in order to provide the students with a series of theoretical and factual references essential to the understanding of school and educational realities and the development of analytical skills concerning them. In the following sessions the lecture will be followed by discussions around scientific papers introduced by the students. These sessions will be organized thematically.
Teaching methods
The sessions will alternate lectures and discussions around scientific articles. The texts will be read individually before the course and then discussed with all the students and the teacher. The lectures will be an opportunity to present the main research results related to the problematic, highlighting the methodological approach and the theoretical contributions; while reading works will enable students to take ownership of them individually and collectively.
Evaluation methods
  • The evaluation will be based firstly on attendance and participation in the course.
  • In addition, each student will have the task to present orally to the class (in 20 to 25 minutes) a text of the reading portfolio (making sure to explain the problem, the theoretical positioning and the method used by the author as well as to summarize the main results, the heuristic concepts, possibly including a discussion of the merits and limitations of the approach proposed by the author). This presentation must be accompanied by a slide show (PowerPoint, Prezi or other) and a synthetic reading report (text of 2 or 3 pages max.), These materials will be made available to other students via the site Moodle of the course.
  • Finally, the evaluation includes an individual written work (15 pages maximum in Times 12, single spaced): Students will be invited to distance themselves with their own school experience by a reflexive feedback, in the form of self-analysis, on their family's educational practices as well as their personal educational trajectories in light of the theories and results in sociology of education that have been seen in class.
  • Notes de cours disponibles sur Moodle.
Teaching materials
  • Notes de cours disponibles sur Moodle.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Master [60] in Philosophy

Master [120] in Philosophy

Master [120] in Sociology

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Philosophy

Master [60] in Sociology and Anthropology