The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
e.g. Business communication techniques : meeting, negotiation, debate, telephone conversation, memorandum, the professional presentation, job appplication.
Subjects about economics, marketing and PR, general management, personnel management, training, logistics, finances, trade.
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | Reading Comprehension At the end of this teaching unit, the student should be able to
Level C1- of « The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ». At the end of this teaching unit, the student should be able to
Interactive listening comprehension: The student should be able to
Level B2 of « The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ». At the end of this teaching unit, the student should be able to
Interactive speaking skills: At the end of this teaching unit, the student should be able to
Level B2 of « The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ». At the end of this teaching unit, the student should be able to
Level B2- of « The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ».
At the end of this teaching unit the student should be able to master the specific vocabulary used in the business world as well as the grammatical correctness in communicating. The use of the language code is treated in respect to the communicative ability of an upper intermediate level without ignoring the need for a certain degree of correctness.
At the end of this teaching unit the student is , in the development of all the above mentioned skills, acquainted with the knowledge and appreciation of the Flemish and Dutch culture, and he is able to appreciate the values transmitted by this culture.through various areas (social, political, economical, commercial) |
The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
It deals with themes related to the area of study. Video and audio fragments are used to illustrated the themes. Each theme will be followed by discussions or role plays giving the student the possibility to use the newly acquired vocabulary and structures.
Business communication techniques (meetings, negotiations, debates, business communication on the phone and presentations) will be part of the exercises. Students will give presentations about economical subjects.
They will also write memorandums with personal comments which will be corrected by the teacher.
- Lessons in groups of max. 20 students.
Classroom hours : 60 h
Self-study (including e-learning): 90 h -
Extension of business and economical vocabulary. In all cases the vocabulary is presented in contex by means of topical listening documents.
Additional exercises will have to be done at home (e-learning on the Moodle platform) - Training and development of listening skills through authentique documents focussing mainly on economical and commercial themes, by means of classroom teaching. Additional exercises will have to be done at home (e-learning on the Moodle platform)
Training and development of speaking skills in professional contexts e.g. the debate, the negotiation, the business meeting, the presentation, the job interview etc.) by means of classroom teaching .
Additional exercises will have to be done at home (e-learning on the Moodle platform).
- Business vocabulary (texts and videos treated in class),the thematic vocabulary of the syllabus) 20 %
- Writing business memorandums (10 %)
- Professional presentations (texts of the syllabus (Q1) 10 %,
Visit of an enterprise (Q2) 15 % - Active presence and cooperation in class (5%)
Oral test at the end of Q2 (25%)
The teaching unit of LNEER 1532 is divided in three parts.
- Part 1 consists of the vocabulary of the first and second semester as well as the memorandums based on a video fragment.
- Part 2 consists of business communication techniques, the presentation of a text and the presentation of a company.
- Part 3 consists of the oral test in which the student shows he has thoroughly integrated the business vocabulary as well as the content treated in the course.
At the end of Q1, the student will receive a grading mark based exclusively on Part 1 of Q1 (Vocabulary and Memo).
In case this grading mark is insufficient (below 10/20) the student has to resit this part in June (he has to resit the entire vocabulary of Q 1 + he writes a new memo).
If the student does not resit this part in June, he will lose its benefits and will recive a grading mark for this part of 0/20.
- Syllabus LNEER1532 + Plate-forme Moodle
- Les documents audio et vidéo authentiques ayant trait à l'actualité.