Dutch communication skills for students in Archaeology and History of Art and History

lneer1315  2018-2019  Louvain-la-Neuve

Dutch communication skills for students in Archaeology and History of Art and History
5 credits
30.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Smit Mariken coordinator;
This teaching unit  is the continuation of the teaching unit LNEER1212 and as such supposes that the student has attained the level B1+ of the 'Common European Framework of Reference for Languages'.

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Main themes
The topics that will be treated in the classroom are related to the field of study of the students.

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :


At the end of this teaching unit  the student will be able  to use Dutch in the specific context of his study domain and his professional future and to communicate in Dutch in a formal and informal way at a final level of

B2  of the 'Common European Framework of Reference for Languages'


The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
The course is mainly based on interactive communication.
The in-class activities are aimed at developing the capacity to use Dutch in the context of the future professional life of the student, but also to communicate in everyday situations.
The student will also realize written exercises that must be sent to the teacher for correction and commentary.
Teaching methods
Interaction integrating every day vocabulary and progressively  vocabulary specific to the field of study of the students.
When necessary (frequent mistakes or on demand), rapid explanation of the grammar items that raise problems.
Writing of summaries of scientific texts to be sent to teacher for correction.
Presentation of subject of interest and interaction on that subject with fellow students.
Writing of resumé and motivation letter in response to specific job advertisement to be sent for correction to teacher.
Evaluation methods
  1. Continuous assessment based on papers (2 points), oral presentations (2 points) and participation in the classroom (2 points).
    The paper that would be publishable on Wikipedia is part of this continuous assessment (papers).
  2. Oral exam based on the contents of the articles on professional news items distributed progressively all along the semester (6 points) and a direct and spontaneous interactivity with the teacher on the student's major and his professional expectations (6 points).
    The list of specific vocabulary will also be assessed (2 points).
    The total results /20 will be recalculated to make out 75% of the final result. If the student has to retake the exam, the continuous assessment will not be taken into account and the oral exam will be calculated /20. The exam will make out 75% of the final result.
  3. The student will also have to take a standardized external exam, at a B2 level of the "Interuniversitaire Taaltest Nederlands voor Anderstaligen", the cost of which will be supported by the university and which will account for 25% of the final mark.
    In case of failure, the student will be allowed to retake also this part of the exam internally during the second session.

    The information concerning the form of this external exam is available on: http://www.itna.be.

    This exam not being organized by UCL, the student will have to go to one of the exam centers (KU Leuven, KU Leuven - Campus Brussel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Universiteit Antwerpen, Universiteit Gent).
Other information
  • In-classroom lessons in groups of 15-20 students.
  • The teacher is available during his/her office-hour(s) and can be contacted by e-mail or by phone in case of urgency.
  • Syllabus du cours LNEER1315
  • Listes de vocabulaire spécifique;
  • Exercices spécifiques écrits et oraux d'entrainement aux techniques de la communication (réunion, négociation, rapportage, synthèse, entrée sur le marché du travail, rédaction de curriculum vitae et entretien d'embauche, etc.)
  • Théorie et exercices sur les points essentiels de la grammaire néerlandaise (pour info et  travail personnel).
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Bachelor in Philosophy

Bachelor in History of Art and Archaeology : General

Bachelor in History of Art and Archaeology : Musicology