Language, Culture, Translation and Interpreting - Turkish

llsti2170  2018-2019  Louvain-la-Neuve

Language, Culture, Translation and Interpreting - Turkish
4 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
Gökçe Seher;
For allophone students with a competency level of B2 in both French and Turkish
Main themes
This teaching unit will address different themes, such as:
·         The contemporary history and political systems of the countries studied,
·         Specific aspects of Turkish of interest to a translator or interpreter working into French;
·         Implicit cultural, historical or political references present in a text to be translated, 
·         The historical connexions between translation and culture, 
·         Writing and speaking skills in Turkish from a transversal perspective.
- Translation of different types of documents : specialized publications, excerpts from short-stories, novels, essays, cartoons, or from audio-visual sources;
- Translation of different culturel texts as well as chosen documents from sciences specialized publications.
Teaching methods
- lectures : The lectures contain a strong interactive element, both spoken and written, between the lecturer and the students.
- supervised classroom/at home activities
Evaluation methods
June Exam :
- continuous assessment based on two practical work reports with presentation
(50 % of final result).
- written exam (50 % of final result).

September exam :
The  continuous assessment mark will not be taken into account.
the written exam (70% of final result).
the oral exam (30% of final result).
Other information
Online resources
Lectures conseillées:
'erafettin Turan (2005). Türk Kültür Tarihi. Bilgi Yay'nlar'. 'stanbul
Sina Ak'in (2011). K'sa Türkiye Tarihi. '' Bankas' Kültür Yay'nlar'. 'stanbul
Y'lmaz Esmer (2012). Kültürel De'i'imin S'n'rlar': Türkiye De'erler Atlas'. Bahçe'ehir Üni.Yay'nlar'. 'stanbul
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Master [120] in Interpreting

Master [120] in Translation