Analysis of news in the context of the EU

leuro1301  2018-2019  Louvain-la-Neuve

Analysis of news in the context of the EU
3 credits
22.5 h
Delcorde Raoul; Laborderie Vincent;
Main themes
  1. EU in a multipolar world: a risky environment with rise of hazards (terrorism, civil wars) and less cooperative partners (Turkey, Russia, USA).
  2. The EU Foreign and Defence Policy: what do (and can do EU) in such an environment? Organisation of EEAS and recent effort in defence policy.
  3. Neighbourhood policy and enlargement prospects:the current enlargement fatigue, the Turkish, the issue of the borders of Europe with a focus on western Balkans.
  4. Energy and climate change policy : including the gas and petrol supply issue and a special focus on implementation of COP 21 agreement.
  5. The crisis of Trade policy : ratification of CETA with Canada, negotiation of TTIP and other trade agreements plus the new deal with USA since D. Trump election.
  6. The Eurozone crisis : development of the EMU, 2010-12 crisis, the launching of the Banking Union and the deepening or the EMU.
  7. Brexit : its origins, the June 2016 referendum, the negotiation and the final ( ?) agreement, future relations between UK and EU.
  8. Regional separatisms (Scotland, Catalonia, Flanders): internal dynamics and EU reactions. D these movements threaten the Union?
  9. Management and mismanagement of the crisis of migration : asylum policy, sharing of the migrants, future of Schengen, control of the external borders, agreements with Turkey and some African countries.
  10. The rise of eurosceptic populism and stakes of next European election: why 2019 election will be more important than anyone else.
  11. Perspectives: current situation of the EU, its possible futures, the two speed European issue, the question of leadership.

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :


Providing key reference points for understanding European news and its functioning, to students from various avenues of education.


The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
Teaching methods
Evaluation methods
Written examination.
M. Buti, S. Deroose, V. Gaspar et J. Nogueira Martins, The Euro, the first decade, Cambridge University Press, 2010
De Ruyt Jean, Le leadership dans l'Union européenne, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2015
de Schoutheete Philippe, Méthode communautaire et Conseil européen, Notre Europe, 2012
Dony Marianne, Droit de l'Union européenne, Éditions de l'ULB, 4ème édition, 2012
Dujardin Vincent et autres, La crise économique et financière de 2008 ' 2009, Peter Lang, 2010
Goulard, Sylvie et Monti Mario, De la démocratie en Europe, Flammarion, 2012
Lamfalussy Christophe, Maes Ivo et Peters Sabine, Alexandre Lamfalussy, le sage de l'Euro, Racines, 2013
Lehne Stefan, A window of opportunity to upgrade EU Foreign Policy, Carnegie Europe, 2 May, 2014
Piris Jean Claude, The future of Europe, towards a two speed EU?, Cambridge University Press, 2012
Van Middelaar Luuk, The passage to Europe, Yale University Press, 2013
Van Rompuy Herman, L'Europe dans la tempête, Racine, 2014
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Minor in European Studies