2 credits
15.0 h
Jans Damien;
Main themes
The subject of the course is the urban and spatial planning law, mainly in the Walloon Region, what does not exclude comparisons with the other regional legislations. It contains two parts. The first one is dedicated, on one hand, to main rules - objectives, principles, institutional aspects - and to the instruments of the spatial planning (plans and programs of regional development). It aims at describing tools enabling authorities to plan the spatial structuralization of the territory and fix the land use allocation.
The second part is dedicated to instruments allowing to implement concretely the urban planning rules, namely mainly the building and housing licences, the urban planning certificates as well as the controls and the penalties of the offences. It will describe the contents, the effects and the procedure of adoption of these acts of a big importance in the practice of the urban planning law.
Other information
The course gives itself by a masterful statement, accompanied with concrete examples picked from the professional practice of the teachers and, if need be, with case studies.
The course will be supported by two syllabi (one for every part). The exam is oral. The course of sustainable development law is pre-required.
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Master [120] in Environmental Bioengineering