Media literacy

lcomu2640  2018-2019  Louvain-la-Neuve

Media literacy
5 credits
30.0 h
Philippette Thibault;
In a non-exhaustive way, this course will address the link between media literacy, and media education or education through media; he will discuss the concept of media literacy with regard to other concepts present in the literature (digital literacy, information literacy, computer literacy, etc.); it will deal with different analytical frameworks for evaluating media activities (e.g. reading, writing, navigating, organizing) and the dimensions of associated skills (e.g. technical, social, informational); Finally, it will address the challenges in terms of skills related to contemporary technologies and their uses.
This teaching will be structured in different modules:
  1. Module 1: Introduction to Media Literacy (e.g. the concept of literacy, the concept of media)
  2. Module 2: Media Education, education through media and Media Literacy
  3. Module 3: Media Literacy Reference Frameworks
  4. Module 4: Evaluating Uses and Skills: A Complex Approach
  5. Module 5: Perspectives on "New Forms of Literacy"
In a non-recurring way, the course will give place to interventions of Belgian or foreign researchers, experts in the field.
Teaching methods
Lecture with notes, reading portfolio and guided reading/writing exercise.
The guided reading work will be based on a summary presentation of one (or more) text(s) and interactions with the teacher and other student-readers of the same text.
Directed writing will consist of performing a final group writing work based on shared readings. For example, for the academic year 2017-2018, this work took the form of a contribution on Wikipedia during the UCLouvain week dedicated to the platform.
Evaluation methods
The evaluation will be done in two ways:
  • An oral examination will assess students' theoretical integration as well as their ability to pose the issues and criticize the limitations of either perspective (1/2).
  • The guided reading/writing exercise will evaluate the participation of students in the session and their ability to synthesize an author's text in the field of study (1/2).
Other information
A structured support (syllabus) will be built in a near future. While waiting for the creation of this syllabus, the students will have at their disposal the contents of the different presentations supporting the lectures.
A portfolio of readings will also be made available to them, which will be used for the realization of their works.
  • Un support structuré (syllabus) se construira au fur et à mesure des enseignements associées. En attendant la création de ce syllabus, les étudiants auront à leur disposition le contenu des différentes présentations supportant les exposés magistraux.
  • Un portefeuille de lectures sera également mis à leur disposition, qui servira à la réalisation d'un travail de lecture et d'écriture dirigée.
Références (exemple)
Auferheide (1993). Report on the National Leadership Conference on Media Literacy. Queenstown (M.D.): Aspen Institute ;
Buckingham (2009). The future of media literacy in the digital age: some challenges for policy and practice, 2nd European Congress on Media Literacy, Bellaria (IT), 21-24 october 2009 ;
Fastrez (2010). Quelles compétences le concept de littératie médiatique englobe-t-il ? Une proposition de définition matricielle, Recherches en Communication, 33(1): 35-52 ;
Feuerstein (1999). Media Literacy in Support of Critical Thinking, Journal of Educational Media, 24(1): 43-54 ;
Hobbs (1998). The seven Great Debates in the Media Literacy Movement, Journal of Communication, 48(1):16-32 ;
Livingstone (2003). The changing nature and Uses of Media Literacy, Media@LSE, Electronic Working Paper, 4, see:
Teaching materials
  • Un support structuré (syllabus) se construira au fur et à mesure des enseignements associées. En attendant la création de ce syllabus, les étudiants auront à leur disposition le contenu des différentes présentations supportant les exposés magistraux.
  • Un portefeuille de lectures sera également mis à leur disposition, qui servira à la réalisation d'un travail de lecture et d'écriture dirigée.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Master [120] in Communication

Master [120] in Journalism

Master [120] in History

Master [60] in Information and Communication

Master [120] in History of Art and Archaeology: Musicology

Master [120] in Anthropology

Master [120] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : French as a Foreign Language

Master [120] in Communication

Master [120] in Information and Communication Science and Technology

Master [120] in Information and Communication