Advanced macroeconomics III

lecon2161  2018-2019  Louvain-la-Neuve

Advanced macroeconomics III
5 crédits
30.0 h
Baudin Thomas (supplée De la Croix David); De la Croix David;
Thèmes abordés
A few topics (around three), in continuation of the macroeconomic courses, will be selected at the beginning of the course. The first lectures will consist in ex-catedra expositions by the professor(s) to introduce to the topics, with the associated advanced literature,key issues and open questions and recommended readings. These lec-tures will be followed by students' seminars. These seminars will consist of reading reports of one of two re-lated seminal contributions, plus a discussion and eventually an extension proposal.

A la fin de cette unité d’enseignement, l’étudiant est capable de :

1 The seminar aims at bringing students to the frontiers of research in a particular field, and to train them in defin-ing and conducting a research topic. The focus is on using tools to answer a research questions and to read "be-tween the lines" some of the main contributions to the topics considered.

La contribution de cette UE au développement et à la maîtrise des compétences et acquis du (des) programme(s) est accessible à la fin de cette fiche, dans la partie « Programmes/formations proposant cette unité d’enseignement (UE) ».

[1] Voigtländer, N., & Voth, H. J. (2012). The three horsemen of riches: Plague, war, and urbanization in early modern Europe. Review of Economic Studies, 80(2), 774-811.

[2] de la Croix, D. M. Doepke & J. Mokyr. Clans, Guilds, and Markets: Apprenticeship Institutions and Growth in the Preindustrial Economy "Vol. 133 February 2018 Issue." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 1 (2018): 70.

[3] Doepke, M., & Zilibotti, F. (2017). Parenting with style: Altruism and paternalism in intergenerational preference transmission. Econometrica, 85(5), 1331-1371.
[4] Economic Growth - David Weil - Pearson Education - 3rd Edition[5] Unified Growth Theory - Oded Galor - Princeton University Press
Faculté ou entité
en charge

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Intitulé du programme
Master [120] en sciences économiques, orientation générale