This biannual learning unit is being organized in 2017-2018
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | Learning outcomes specific to EU lawAfter taking this course, students will have a basic command of internal market law and possess the know-how to apply the relevant legal rules in simple factual situations. They will be familiar with how various sources of European law interact, in particular treaty and directives. Generic learning outcomesThis course also aims to provide opportunities to learn skills that are useful beyond the practice of European law, in particular: 1) being able to identify legal rules applicable to a given factual situation and relevant in order to reach a practical aim; 2) being able to present in writing the legal analysis of a given factual situation clearly and correctly. At the end of the course, students will be able to identify whether or not European law governs a given factual situation. They will be capable of solving simple problems involving one or several of the four freedoms and develop by themselves the types of legal reasoning most common in European law. |
The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
· ability to correctly identify a legal issue in a given factual situation,
· ability to identify correctly the applicable rule
· ability to enunciate clearly a legal rule
· ability to adequately explain applicable legal rules
· ability to justify the choice of a legal rule with regard to practical aims
· exact knowledge of legal rules
· ability to select relevant knowledge in relation to a given question or problem,
· logical reasoning,
· quality and sufficiency of reasons given to justify the analysis proposed or the point of view argued,
· correct use of legal vocabulary
· adequate structure of written answer (link with the question, logical order of arguments, link between sentences and between paragraphs)
Students may bring to the exam the European treaties as well as the documentation package. Authorised documents may not be annotated. Students may however highlight and/or flag certain sections in authorised documents. They may write a few letters or words on flags in order to mark specific locations in the course pack. Students may bring a monolingual and/or a bilingual dictionary.
Nathalie de Grove-Valdeyron, Droit du marché intérieur européen, Paris : LGDJ, 2014 (4e édition). Ce bref manuel contient la base indispensable. Sa lecture est obligatoire.
Autres références
En français
M. Dony, Droit de l'Union européenne, 6ème éd., Éditions de l'ULB, 2015. Ce manuel couvre un domaine plus large que celui du cours (droit institutionnel et matériel).
J-S. Bergé et S. Robin-Olivier, Droit européen, 2ème éd., P.U.F., 2011. Ce manuel présente l'originalité de traiter à la fois du droit de l'Union et du droit européen des droits de l'homme.
L. Dubouis et Cl. Bluman, Droit matériel de l'Union européenne, Montchrestien, 6ème éd., 2012. Un manuel de référence, plus approfondi que le précédent, qui traite de l'ensemble du droit matériel européen : le droit du marché intérieur, sur lequel porte principalement ce cours, mais aussi les autres politiques européennes (agriculture, transports, concurrence, coopération judiciaire').
En anglais
Catherine Barnard, The Substantive Law of the EU : The Four Freedoms, Oxford : OUP, 2015 (5th Edition). L'ouvrage de référence par excellence sur le droit du marché intérieur.
Paul Craig et Gráinne de Búrca, EULaw : Text, Cases, and Materials, Oxford : OUP, 2015 (Sixth Edition). L'ouvrage de référence par excellence en droit européen (couvre un domaine beaucoup plus large que le cours).
Robert Schutze, European Union Law, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015. Nouveau manuel, également très bien fait, avec moins d'extraits de jurisprudence que le précédent. Couvre également une matière beaucoup plus large que le cours.