Complementary courses: LBIRE2106 Topométrie et photogrammétrie, LBRAT2102 Modélisation spatiale des dynamiques territoriales.
The concepts, methods and tools are explained by ex-cathedra teaching and applied in the labs activities. They cover:
- geographical information systems and fundamental methods of spatial analysis,
- basics in mapping and digital cartography,
- remote sensing of terrestrial surfaces based on their electromagnetic properties and the radiative transfer, with a particular focus on discrimination and the monitoring of vegetation,
- Earth observation by airborne systems and different types of satellites, including radar.
- principles and methods in digital image processing of images and time series analysis
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | a. Contribution of this activity to the AA reference (program AA) M1.1., M2.1., M4.4., M4.5
b. Specific formulation for this training activity of program At the end of the course LBIRE2102, students are able to: - thoroughly understand concepts and methods in geomatics applied to agricultural systems, study and management of natural resources, land use planning and the environment in general; - mobilize methods of collection, analysis and representation of spatial data and satellite remote sensing images; - master professional software for geographical information system (GIS) and for image processing in satellite remote Sensing; - carry out the conceptual analysis of a problem, design and implement a solution including the collection, organization and processing of georeferenced data; - understand the technological developments in the field of geomatics applied to the fields of bioengineers.
The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
The course consists of four complementary modules:
- Concepts and methods in geographical information systems (GIS)
- Basics in digital cartography
- Concepts and methods of airborne and satellite remote sensing
- Practical work mobilizing professional software for both GIS and image processing in remote sensing.
2. Additional explanation
The part A of the Applied Geomatics course is designed for students in urban planning and includes only the modules in geographical information systems and basics in digital cartography as well as the corresponding labs.
The part B of the Applied Geomatics course corresponds to the whole course except the satellite image processing labs.
The theoretical knowledge and practical of this course are mobilized in many other courses in different programs and different faculties.
This course can be given in English.