Critical regionalism

ltarc1352  2017-2018  Tournai

Critical regionalism
3 credits
30.0 h
Pouillon Henry; Wittevrongel Bernard;
Main themes
Introduction to the topics of
  • modernity
  • globalisation
  • critical regionalism
Local in a globalised world: case study
The concept of regionalism in Belgian French-language journals (1890-1980)
Regionalism and reconstruction following the two World Wars
Urban and rural models : what are the references for the architect today?

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :


Specific learning outcomes:

By the end of the course, students will be able to

  • identify the trends in thinking which shape the world today.
  • understand the historical origins of a globalised world.
  • form a critical viewpoint.
  • site their own work as an architect.

Contribution to the learning outcomes reference framework:

Build knowledge of architecture

  • Be familiar with and analyse the basic references
  • Be able to use given references which, by analogy, can lead to other interpretations of the context

The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
Partie (HP) :
  • POUILLON( H.), L'habitation individuelle dans l'oeuvre de l'architecte Roger Bastin. Modernité ou regionalisms en Belgique ? (Doctorat UCL/1997).
  • Le Régionalisme, Architecture Et Identité Collectif, dans la collection : IDEES ET DEBATS, Editions Du Patrimoine Centre Des Monuments Nationaux, 2001.
  • VIGATO (J.-C.), L'architecture régionaliste.  France.  1890-1950, Paris, 1994.
Partie (BW) : Ouvrages principaux
  • Jacques Attali: Histoire de la modernité ou comment l'humanité pense son avenir. Robert Laffont, Paris, 2013.
  • Manfred B. Steger: Globalization, Oxford University Press, 2009.
  • Hans Ibelings, Supermodernisme, architectuur in het tijdperk van globalisering, Nai, Rotterdam, 1998.
  • Lewis Mumford, Technique et civilisation, Parenthèses, 2016 Marseille.
  • Kenneth Frampton, Labour, Work and architecture, Phaidon, 2002, London.
  • Vrin, Gion Caminada et expériences régionalistes.
  • Bettina Schlorhaufer, Cul Zuffel e l'Aura Dado Gion A. Caminada, Quart Verlag, 2008, Luzern.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Bachelor in architecture (Bruxelles)

Bachelor in Architecture (Tournai)