Architectural design studio 3 : confirmation

lbarc1301  2017-2018  Bruxelles

Architectural design studio 3 : confirmation
20 credits
240.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Caucheteux Philippe; Honhon Philippe; Van Craen Ariane; Wuillaume Gregoire coordinator;

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :


The general objective of the Bachelor¿s degree in Architecture is to be able to:

- READ (make out, understanding, find the meaning of, distinguish, recognise)
- DESCRIBE (represent, draw or follow)
- USE (join, combine, order) the basic components of architecture, with sensitivity and understanding of the  basic, long-term values which are at the heart of the discipline.

Architectural Project 3 achieves this general objective through CONFIRMATION (corroborate, synthesise, confirm), following on from the methods of introduction and exploration covered in Architectural Projects 1 and 2.

Contribution to the learning outcome reference framework:

Design a project ¿ Confirmation

  • Sensibly bring together and develop natural and artificial environments (landscape, urban, buildings) within a framework of basic parameters
  • Express and prioritise the aims of the projects so as to be able to make choices
  • Understand, test and bring together the organisation of the space through an architectural project
  • Analyse, consider and invent architectural practices through drawings and models
  • Adopt approaches which are methodical, creative, metaphorical, perceptive, collaborative, ...

Test an artistic approach

  • To take a deliberate step from an uncertain beginning by assembling pre-existing concepts and ideas to form a proposal

Build knowledge of architecture

  • Be able to use given references which, by analogy, can lead to other interpretations of the context

Place the action

  • Experiment with the possibilities of transforming a context

Use the technical dimension

  • Be familiar with and describe the main technical principles of building
  • Be able to apply the various basic technical principles in a producing a work of architecture

Express an architectural procedure

  • Express ideas clearly in oral, graphic and written form

Make committed choices

  • Develop awareness of the political meaning of the work of an architect and his/her responsibility towards society

The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
CHUECA Pilar et alii, Atlas des plans de logements, éd. Carles Broto, Barcelone, 2009 (LOCI-BXL : SLB-026103)
DISCH Peter, Luigi Snozzi : the complete work, ADV Publishing House, 20052006 (LOCI-LLN :10477711-2-3)
FRENCH Hilary, 100 logements collectifs du XXe siècle : plans, coupes et élévations, Le Moniteur, Paris, 2008 (LOCI-BXL : SLB-M00296)
GRASSI Giorgio, L'architecture comme métier, éd. Mardaga, Bruxelles, 1983 (LOCI-LLN : 10 477 502)
HILDNER Claudia, Small houses : contemporary japanese dwellings, Birkhauser, Basel, 2011 (LOCI-BXL : 10 720 317)
PANERAI Philippe, DEPAULE Jean-Claude, DEMORGON Marcelle, VEYRENCHE Michel, Éléments d'analyse urbaine, éd. AAM, Bruxelles, 1980
PIZZA Antonio, Alberto Campo Baeza : works and projects, Gustavo Gili, Barcelone, 1999 (LOCI-BXL : SLB-021315)
RASMUSSEN Steen Eiler, Découvrir l'architecture, édition du Linteau, Paris, 2002
SMITH Elisabeth A. T., Case study houses : the complete CSH program: 19451946, Taschen, Cologne, 2002 (LOCI-BXL : SLB023-828)
SNOZZI Luigi, GALFETTI, R. RICCIOTTI,... (.)TRACES, ISA St. Luc Tournai, 2008
TEZUKA Takaharu, Takaharu + Yui Tezuka : architecture catalogue, Toto, Tokyo, 2006 (LOCI-BXL : SLB-024844 )
ESPOSITO Antonio, GIOVANNI Leoni, Edouardo Souto de Moura, Electa, Milan, 2003
Documents complémentaires
Règlement Régional d'Urbanisme, TITRE I : Caractéristiques des constructions et de leurs abords
Règlement Régional d'Urbanisme, TITRE II : Normes d'habitabilité des logements
Règlement Régional d'Urbanisme, TITRE IV : Accessibilité des bâtiments par les personnes à mobilité réduite
La nouvelle norme NBN S014001 : critères acoustiques pour les immeubles d'habitation
Guide normes de base prévention incendie (arrêté du 7 juillet 1994)
Arrêté royal du 12 juillet 2012, fixant les normes en matière de prévention contre l'incendie et l'explosion, auxquelles les bâtiments nouveaux doivent satisfaire
Instructions PO/84 (complet), Instructions relatives à l'établissement des projets d'urbanisation de terrains et de construction de logements sociaux
Instructions PO/84, appartements
Instructions PO/84, maisons
Instructions PO/84, fiche4+tableau
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Bachelor in architecture (Bruxelles)