Séminaires de biologie hématologique, 2e année

WBCMM21022  2016-2017  Bruxelles

Séminaires de biologie hématologique, 2e année
2.0 credits
20.0 h

Defour Jean-Philippe ; Saussoy Pascale ; Deneys Véronique ; Latinne Dominique (coordinator) ; Mullier François ;
Main themes
Post-university teaching about methodological aspects, clinical application and interpretation of haematological laboratory analyses, including genetics and molecular biology. Research subjects are also presented.
To inform medical doctors and pharmacists specialized in clinical biology, physicians, medical doctors and pharmacists in training, about the more recent knowledges of clinical haematology.

The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.

These seminars are included in the yearly renewed program of the "Seminars in Clinical Biology" (in the evening of the second Thursday of each month) and of the "Day of Clinical Biology" (in May).
Other information
Location : - Seminars : Pavillon des Conférences, Salle A Clos Chapelle-aux-Champs, 19 1200 Bruxelles - Day of Clinical Biology : Auditoires centraux ou cliniques Avenue E. Mounier 1200 Bruxelles Contact : Professor Jean-Marie Scheiff President of the Teaching Commission of Clinical Biology Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc Laboratoire d'Hématologie Tour Rosalind Frankin, niveau -3 Sud Avenue Mounier 10 1200 Bruxelles Tél : 02/764.67.14 02/764.52.53 Fax : 02/764.52.25 Accreditation : This program is validated as continuous teaching for the accreditation of medical doctors and pharmacists specialized in Clinical Biology. Organizer : 2.179 UCL
Faculty or entity<

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Program title
Advanced Master in Clinical Biology