Introduction to research

LTARC2130  2016-2017  Tournai

Introduction to research
3.0 credits
30.0 h

Salembier Chloé ; Bolle Caroline ; Pouillon Henry (compensates Salembier Chloé) ;
Evaluation methods

Oral presentation and a written exam

Teaching methods

Courses and exercises, lectures and workshops


The Learning Unit alternates theory and research practice through a series of thematic sessions.

1. Workshops

Each workshop begins with a lecture from a student freshly graduated with a brilliant thesis. Following this, discussion groups of 4/5 students are formed to investigate their own research around a specific medium. :

  • research through images
  • research through words
  • research through questioning
  • research through case study.

2. Courses

Each course begins with the presentation of the subject matter by teachers and continues with an exercise that asks the student to apply it to his own work.

  • understand the thesis issues
  • choose a workshop adapted to a specific subject/path/approach
  • develop scientific thinking (problems, questions, perspectives)
  • create reading records, bibliographies, figures appropriately credited.

3. Presentations

Each student presents the current state of his research :

  • formulate the main question in a clear and pertinent manner (state of the art)
  • propose a work schedule (introduction, development, conclusions and perspectives)
  • choose one's sources.

Eco Umberto, Comment écrire sa thèse (traduit de l'italien par Laurent Cantagrel), Flammarion, Paris, 2016 (édition originale : come si fa una tesi di laurea ?, RCS Libri, S.p.A, Milan, 1977-2015)

Faculty or entity<

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Program title
Master [120] in Architecture (Tournai)