First step : history of the issue in classical sociology The framing of norms and normativity by the classical sociological tradition: descriptive and normative con-cepts of production and implementation of norms; intentional and non-intentional regulation; difference be-tween law-like and rule-following behaviour, normality and normativity; legal expression of rules. Special references to classical authors will be made.
Second step : current discussions in regulation theory Investigation of main current trends in sociology in the field of regulation : self-regulative systems (Hayek, Luhmann) ; the Regulation approach to capitalism (Aglietta, Boyer) ; rational choice theories; comprehensive (Reynaud, économie des conventions) and constructionist (Latour) frameworks. Third step : regulation and globalisation Application of discussed concepts of regulation to global issues : informal economy, Euro-regulation etc. Atten-tion devoted to North and South societies.