Linguistic and Literary Analysis of Italian Modern Texts

LROM1753  2016-2017  Louvain-la-Neuve

Linguistic and Literary Analysis of Italian Modern Texts
5.0 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
1 + 2q

Maeder Costantino ; Georis Christophe ;

LFIAL1750 (Basic Modern Italian I) and LROM 1751 (Basic Modern Italian II) or similar.

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.

Main themes

This course is designed to consider the Italian language and at the same time start Italian synchronic linguistics. The theoretical study is put to use in the practical sessions in which students learn how to use the phenomena studied during the course. The elements of syntax studied cannot be understood in terms of normative grammar but are nonetheless important in speaking and writing Italian well.
In the second part of the course, students are required to apply the linguistic concepts they have learnt for discussion and essay writing. The lecturer will present different interpretation strategies.
In small groups supervised by interns, assistants or the lecturer, students discuss the short stories they have already read. At the end of the lesson, students present their results, a written version of which is handed in on a regular basis.


- To be able to read, understand and summarise articles on Italian linguistics;
- To be able to recognise and analyse basic linguistic phenomena which are not included at all in Italian normative grammar, or only to a limited extent;
- To be able to understand and apply these phenomena;
- To be able to interpret short stories using semiotic and postsemiotic strategies;
- To be able to discuss and make a presentation;
- To be able to write an essay.

The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.

Evaluation methods

Assessment of the LROM1753 course is calculated as follows:
- a written exam during the examination session of January on grammar (verb forms), the subjects covered during exercise session and the formal lectures (50%);
- a written exam during the examination session of June in which the student must analyse a text they have not previously seen during the course (50%).

In order to sit the exam in the June exam session the student must have written three literary analysis assignments. Should students fail to submit the three assignments, they will not be allowed to sit the exam. In such circumstances, students must submit the assignments and the oral exam in the August examination session.

Details :
*The student must pass all sections with an average mark of 10/20 in order to pass this course. Should a student fail in one of the section, the final course mark provided will be the failed mark alone.

* Tout travail qui contient, en moyenne, plus de 3 fautes par page (A4, Times New Roman 12, marges 2 cm, interligne 1.5) du type suivant :
-    fautes que le correcteur grammatical et orthographique de MS Word relève';
-    formes erronées des verbes réguliers et formes des verbes irréguliers traitées dans les cours LFIAL11750, LROM1751 et le cours LROM1753, premier quadri, bac2';
-    accords fautifs entre article, adjective et nom,
-    non respect des normes de la rédaction scientifique (références, citations, bibliographie) en vigueur au sein de l'UCL (disponibles en ligne et acquis d'apprentissage de BAC1),
sera refusé, sans être corrigé sur les contenus et sans explication ultérieure.

Si le travail remis est à caractère certificatif (examens en session, en parcours, etc.), l'étudiant obtient une cote de présence, même si d'autres travaux partiels (en parcours et/ou en session) ont obtenu une suffisance.

*La connaissance des textes littéraires et/ou des objets culturels (par ex. films, peintures, etc.), sur laquelle se base le cours, est essentielle et formatrice. Au début de chaque examen oral ou écrit, il y aura des questions sur les contenus des textes. Être incapable de répondre aux questions concernant cette partie de l'examen entraîne l'arrêt immédiat de l'examen. L'étudiant obtient une cote de présence.

Teaching methods

Seminar classes in the first semester : exploration of issues in Italian linguistics

Collaborative-creative classes in the second semester : analysis of Italian literary texts


On the basis of a collection of short Italian texts from the 20th century to the present day, students will study applied linguistics and literary analysis.

- First semester : development of students' linguistic skills and introduction to certain problems of syntax which distinguish Italian from French: concordance of tenses and word order.

- Second semester : introduction to the semiotic analysis of literary texts and composition of critical texts in Italian. Students are required to participate in discussions and complete various assignments.

Individual supervision. This course is accompanied by practical work.


A collection of short literary texts, a manual on literary analysis together with a collection of articles and a list of important links can all be found on iCampus.

Students will be required to undertake bibliographic research on JSTOR and in the library.

Other information


Faculty or entity<

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Program title
Bachelor in Modern Languages and Letters : General

Bachelor in French and Romance Languages and Letters : General

Minor in Italian Studies